Corrupt Oregon Dems Can’t Decide Whether to Indict FTX Exec Who Illegally Funded Dems Under False Name

Democrats in the state of Oregon are having a hard time deciding whether they should be indicted for alleged crimes they participated in with now-bankrupt FTX.
TGP was the first to point out the corrupt links between the Democrats, bankrupt-FTX and Ukraine. We don’t know how much money FTX donated to the Democrats or how much came from US billions that went to Ukraine. We do know that it happened.
Elon Musk agreed with us and noted that potentially a billion went to the Democrats via FTX from Ukraine money pushed by Biden and the corrupt legislature
The Oregonian reported yesterday that the Democrats in Oregon were given money from an FTX executive who used a false name:
The implosion of cryptocurrency exchange FTX and arrest of its ex-CEO Sam Bankman-Fried on Tuesday has prompted questions nationally about what the developments bode for the tens of millions of dollars that Bankman-Fried and his associates poured into congressional and local elections, largely to benefit Democrats
In Oregon, elections officials in the office of Secretary of State Shemia Fagan are still deciding whether there is enough evidence to ask Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum to pursue a case against former FTX director of engineering Nishad Singh for donating $500,000 to the Democratic Party of Oregon under a false name.
Fagan’s administration is also deciding whether there is evidence the Democratic Party violated the same state law against providing and accepting political donations under a false name. More than a month has passed since Fagan asked the Elections Division to investigate, citing a report in The Oregonian/OregonLive that revealed the $500,000 — the largest sum received by the Democratic Party of Oregon PAC on record in the state campaign finance database — did not come from the Las Vegas cryptocurrency company Prime Trust as reported by the party. Rather, Prime Trust representatives told The Oregonian/OregonLive that it functioned only as a pass-through.
Under Oregon statute, it is a Class C felony to make a campaign contribution under a “false name.”
How much money did the Democrats illegally obtain from FTX? Why are the Democrats and their FBI not looking into this – one of the biggest scandals in US history?