Couple With 12 Kids And Financial Troubles Cry Tears Of Joy When Secret Santa Gifts Them A New Van (Video)

There is nothing more touching than seeing a person who is struggling receive the help they deserve. For Christmas in 2020, a very deserving family, the Ashleys, had their prayers answered when an anonymous Secret Santa teamed up with the East Idaho News crew to give them $10,000 in furniture and a brand new 15-passenger van.
Misty and Ben Ashley are parents to 12 children, ages 1 to 17, many of whom are adopted and living with special needs. On top of raising their kids, both parents work multiple jobs to provide and care for their family. Misty works nights and doesn’t arrive home until 1 a.m., while Ben wakes up at 4 a.m. for work and doesn’t return until late in the evening. Misty said about Ben, “He works his butt off all the time … he is always working.” Both of these parents work so hard to support their large and loving family.
In the footage provided by the news team, the newscaster said, “They are the best parents according to everyone we have talked to.” You can see the father, Ben, crying throughout the video. Apparently, there was no way for everyone to travel together in one vehicle — until this wonderful gift.
During the gift unveiling, the whole family went outside in the snow without jackets to see the huge new van. At that point, both parents were sobbing and the family rushed to get in and see the van. As they were crying, you could hear both parents state, “Oh my gosh, thank you so much.”

The kids seemed happy and thrilled about the new van, as they all climbed into the back seats with smiles on their faces. On the way back inside the house, one of the kids called out: “Hey dad! Let’s take that one (pointing to the old van) back to the junkyard!” Everyone laughed in agreement and was joyful about the new replacement van, which would surely make their lives easier. The Ashley family seems like a fun and lighthearted group of people.
The gift card to Ashley Home Furniture was to buy new couches and beds to ensure everyone had a place to sleep in their home. The new van replaced an older one that was found in a junkyard and had been broken down in the Ashley family’s driveway for a few months. The anonymous donor who contacted East Idaho News had given over $500,000 in gifts to struggling families.
The Ashleys stand out as a large family in a time when fewer and fewer children are being born every year, especially when considering the average household has less than three people according to the 2020 US Census. Ben and Misty are not afraid to go against the status quo and make great sacrifices to raise an incredible family.
According to the Special Needs Alliance, there are up to 134,000 children with special needs waiting to find their permanent homes. The Ashley family is working together to make positive changes in the lives of struggling children. They are filling a serious need and are well-deserving of this generosity.

After East Idaho News first posted the video on its site, many commenters showed up to share their reactions to the heartwarming story. One person said: “I love their reaction and how the kids comforted their parents. You can tell it’s a very loving family.” Another person commented on how Ben wasn’t afraid to show emotion. They wrote:
“When a bear of a man breaks down and cries over the idea of being able to get new furniture for his children… yeah, he’s a real gentle, strong man with a heart larger than himself. Good on you, both of you. You deserve this. God bless.”
This is a story that connects and is able to reach people emotionally. Another commenter shared their feelings and said: “God bless this family and I hope they make amazing memories together in their new van! I wish them the best!” It is a gift in itself to see joy be brought to others.
Other commenters agreed that this couldn’t have happened to a better family. There is something very moving about seeing a generous gift be so well received by those who need it.
These parents of 12 children couldn’t have been more surprised or touched to receive a brand-new van and $10,000 worth of furniture. In the footage shot by the local news crew, you can see them break down crying in gratitude and surprise as they accepted such a generous gift.
The Ashleys are a hardworking family that adopted many children with special needs and provided them with a safe and loving home. Their struggles were lifted — at least momentarily — by the generous actions of an anonymous Secret Santa.
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