
Crapping His Pants!’ Mary Trump And Pals Taunt ‘Humiliated’ Trump In Real Time As He Exits Courtroom

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Ex-presidential niece Mary Trump and her pals taunted former President Donald Trump live and in real time during coverage of his arrest and arraignment over a payoff to a porn star this week.

Trump traveled to New York Tuesday for his arrest and arraignment in a Manhattan courtroom, during which Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment was unsealed and the 34 felony counts against Trump were revealed. The defendant entered pleas of “not guilty” to crimes involving hush money payments to adult entertainment entrepreneur Stormy Daniels and others and left the courthouse without answering questions.

Not to be outdone by the wall-to-wall coverage, Trump hosted a special edition of The Mary Trump Show podcast during which she and her “Nerd Avengers” panel spent about an hour waiting for Trump to show his face on his way out.

Mary — a strident Trump critic — was joined by a panel consisting of Dahlia Lithwick and Brian Karem to roast Trump on his way out of the courtroom:

BRIAN KAREM: Know, that would be the biggest punishment for Donald Trump is denying him the ability to stand in front of people and whine.

MARY TRUMP: Y.Yeah. And put him in a room without a mirror. You know, and accountability is done like that. Okay, so OH! Here we go. Yeah he looks happy.

BRIAN KAREM: (vocalizes “Hail to the Chief”)

MARY TRUMP: Docile. In custody.

BRIAN KAREM: That is all you’re going to see them. He’s pled, he’s got, he’s been, it’s been read to him and he’s out.

MARY TRUMP: Obviously, they, I mean, I’m going to assume that they had to have the camera there, not knowing when he was going to come out of the room. And I was wrong because I didn’t realize that was– doesn’t matter. He didn’t come the other way. I. I found that 2 seconds fascinating and it told me everything we needed to know about how he’s taking this.


MARY TRUMP: I mean, I don’t know if you guys agree, but…


MARY TRUMP: That’s not the word I would use.

BRIAN KAREM: Oh, you mean like crapping his pants-ly!

MARY TRUMP: He’s terrified. He’s absolutely terrified. And humiliated in a way he has never experienced humiliation, except maybe when he was five and my dad dumped a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Maybe. I don’t know.

BRIAN KAREM: Good for your dad!

MARY TRUMP: That was. That was something. Wow.

BRIAN KAREM: Play that again for us full screen? I’d like to see it.

MARY TRUMP: I have a strange feeling we’ll see that image. Many, many times. Hey, listen, it’s better than watching a plane idling on the tarmac. As Lesley Stahl would say “Wow!” Yes. The hard hitting Lesley Stahl would say, “wow!”

BRIAN KAREM: That was just that was shameful.

MARY TRUMP: All right. Well, you know what? Let’s unless you guys want to have anything else, I think let’s wrap it up there. I think that was worth. I mean, we had an amazing conversation. So it’s fine that we had a hallway in the background.

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