Creep tries to lure 12-year-old with candy, the boy remembers life-saving tip his parents gave him long ago

He’s such a smart boy!
Local authorities in Utah, United States, have recently commended the bravery shown by a 12-year-old boy after he had gallantly fought off a kidnapper – all by himself with a keyring. Duncan Jensen had been walking home from his cousin’s house in Centerville when one stranger in a nearby car called out to him and asked if he wanted some candy.
Recognizing the danger the stranger posed, Duncan politely refused and tried to cross the street instead. However, the stranger jumped out of his car and grabbed Duncan by his shirt. Thankfully, the boy had remembered the advice his parents had told him.
Duncan’s dad, Jerry Jensen, said: “We say if you get to the point where you think you may be taken, we want you to punch, bite, scratch, you do whatever you can to get away from whoever is trying to take you.” Duncan had been playing with his keys before he was grabbed and had the key ring right in between his knuckles. As the kidnapper faced him, Duncan took the opportunity to punch him – right in the face.
The attack stunned the kidnapper and allowed Duncan to run to a nearby park and hide behind some rocks. His kidnapper followed by car, tried to spot him by pulling into the parking lot, but drove off afterwards. Duncan hid for about 30 minutes and then raced home to inform his parents, who were horrified but thankful that Duncan was unharmed. “You never think something like this is going to happen and it will. It does,” Duncan’s mom, Tenisha Jensen, remarked.
Police are now looking for the suspect – he was described as a white male in his 30s, with blond hair and bears a tattoo on his neck. He was seen wearing a black T-shirt and a blue colored pair of shorts. His car was an old blue Sedan which had 4 doors.