Dad Of Four Says Giving Birth Is Easy, So Wife Hooks Him Up To A Simulator And The Later End Was Stunning (Video)

For some strange reason, the internet – and society in general, for that matter – seems to be full of men who aren’t fully aware of just how excruciatingly painful childbirth can be. As a result, they seem to either compare the pain of childbirth to something much less intense, or downplay it when someone else tries to correct them about it.

As you can imagine, this can be incredibly frustrating to partners who have to deal with the childbearing. So when father of four Michael Richardson told his wife that delivering four kids was easy, Jodie Richardson decided to enact some sweet, sweet revenge and teach him a lesson.
Because Michael was convinced childbirth wasn’t a difficult task at all, it was incredibly easy for his wife of 12 years to get him to hook himself up to a birthing simulator. For those of you who regularly browse YouTube archives, you may have already seen the….Read Full Story Here..……