Dad Placed Camera In His Daughter’s Coffin. When He Turned It on At Night, He Screamed!

After burying his daughter, Steve returned home with his wife and decided to watch his little girl one last time with the camera that was in the coffin. However, what he discovered will shock you to your bones. On that fateful day, Steve stood with his wife, Sylvia, beside the freshly dug grave. His distraught wife clutched at his arm as she wept uncontrollably, and he was barely able to keep his emotions in check. There, right before their eyes, they watched in disbelief as the coffin was lowered into the ground.
Even though it was all happening right in front of him, even though he had seen her lifeless form with his own eyes, he still couldn’t believe that he had actually lost his only daughter. It was still difficult to wrap his mind around the fact that his baby girl, Lily, was gone for good. Everything had happened so quickly, and he was yet to recover from the tumultuous events that had been taking place over the last couple of days. Things were moving at a pace he was ill-equipped for, and he was scared because there were too many unknowns present. He had no idea how he would cope with his daughter gone from this world. He didn’t know how to survive living without her smile and her infectious laughter.
With tears in his eyes, Steve watched as the coffin went deeper into the ground. The lid had a transparent cover, so he could still see Lily’s face. She was clutching her favorite doll, Sandy. Sandy had always been with Lily when she was alive, and it was only right that the doll went on with her to the afterlife. He believed Sandy would provide a form of comfort to his daughter’s spirit. All around him, the atmosphere was tense and sad. No one said a word as the coffin finally settled onto the soft earth. It sank a bit before finally finding balance, and then the process of covering it all up began. At that point, Sylvia began to cry profusely. Steve tried to console her, but he couldn’t find the words. Soon after, the funeral was over, and Lily’s parents went home.
When Steve got there, he was a total mess. The first thing he did once he shut the door behind him was hurry over to the minibar in his living room and grab a bottle of whiskey. As he drank, he began to think of his daughter and the things that would never be anymore now that she was gone. He wished that he had gotten more time with her. He wished that he’d been the one that died instead of her, and he wished that death had not been so cruel as to take Lily from him when she was finally coming around to love Sylvia as a mother.
Everything had been going great lately, and now his baby girl was gone, and he would never lay eyes on her perfect face again. But that’s when he remembered that Lily had been laid to rest with her doll, Sandy, in her arms, and in that moment he decided to get one more glimpse of his daughter for closure.
He promised himself that if he saw her face one more time, he would find it easier to move on with his life as he was certain that was something she would want for him. He knew this for a fact because, apart from being Lily’s father, he had also been her best friend. Everything he’d ever done in life had been done with her in mind, and none of that changed when he lost Lily’s mother to the cold hands of death.
Lily had been the fruit of his first marriage, but after losing her mother, he realized that raising a little girl on his own was too much for him. There were a lot of sensitive aspects that he believed would have been better handled by women.
Besides, he was always busy with work. While he made a lot of money, he barely had enough time to spend with his daughter, and he didn’t want her to be alone. Thankfully, though, about two years after becoming a widower, he fell in love with Sylvia. The decision to get into a new relationship had not been just for him; he had also considered Lily in the matter because he wanted his little girl to have a mother figure in her life. He was sure that if she had a good woman as a stepmother, the loss of her actual mother would not be so keenly felt.
However, things didn’t go as planned. While he and Sylvia were dating, his daughter and girlfriend seemed to like each other. However, things changed the moment he announced that they were getting married. Lily told him that she didn’t like Sylvia at all and she didn’t want to live in the same house with her. However, Steve assured her that everything would be okay. He was sure that the idea of Sylvia joining the family would only take some time for Lily to get used to it.
That year, on her birthday, he bought her a beautiful doll that would come to be known as Sandy. It wasn’t just an ordinary doll, though. Its eyes had cameras, and inside the doll, there was a mechanism that stored everything the eyes recorded. He told Lily to treat the doll the exact way she would treat him so she should feel free to tell Sandy anything at all.
That way, he would listen and help her out. While this was the story he gave her, he was only planning on using the camera to check up on his daughter while he wasn’t around. He would be able to connect the doll from anywhere in the world whenever he wanted to.
In the first few weeks, all Lily talked about with Sandy was how much she disliked her soon-to-be stepmother. Steve was heartbroken but believed that once he and Sylvia got married, everything would get better. He was sure that, with time, Lily would warm up to Sylvia and come to see her as a mother figure in her life. Sadly, he was wrong.
Everything Sylvia had been showing him prior to their wedding was an act. When he left home for work, she maltreated his poor daughter and forced her to do chores for long hours. Then she threatened to kick Lily out of the house if she dared to tell her father. Sylvia told her that Steve didn’t love her as much as he loved his new wife, and all she had to do was tell him to kick her out, and he would do that in a heartbeat.
At her young age, Lily believed everything Sylvia said to her, especially after she constantly told her father she didn’t like Sylvia but he married her anyway. She believed that he truly loved Sylvia more, and she was terrified of Sylvia asking him to kick her out of the house. From then onward, things changed for the worse for the little girl. She no longer went to school with the school bus, but she had to walk the long distance to and from school every day.
Even though Steve dropped pocket money for Lily, Sylvia seized it and forced her to go to school with a tiny morsel of food that could barely hold her for the day. Things only got worse and worse, and she couldn’t talk to anyone. She didn’t tell her father. When he asked her how she was, she simply told him she was fine. Even her teachers were noticing the changes in her mood and how she was always looking sad, but there was nothing they could do.
Lily swore that she was fine, and none of them could find any physical evidence that something was happening to her in her own home. Lily was all alone, but she had Sandy, and she spoke to her every time. When she was alone, she propped the doll in front of her and imagined it was her father. Then she talked about everything Sylvia was doing to her. Sadly, during that period, Steve never accessed the camera. He was always too busy with work, and after a while, he even forgot that the doll he bought for his daughter had a camera in it at all, and this oversight was going to cost him big time.
A few months passed, and Sylvia suddenly began to change for the better. She started treating Lily nicely and allowing her to have even more pocket money than necessary. This was such a sudden shift in her character that, at first, the little girl was suspicious. However, Sylvia’s sweet nature won her over. They began to play together, and Sylvia even took her to school and walked her back home.
After a while, Sylvia told Lily that it would mean the world to her if she called her mom. This development was nice to see because Lily’s countenance changed at once. She was brighter and always looked happy now, unlike before when she always looked sad and tired as if she was dragging a heavy weight with her. Steve was happy about this. He believed that Lily had finally accepted Sylvia as her stepmom. At long last, they were going to be the family they were meant to be. Little did he know that an immediate tragedy was already poised to hit them all.
One day, he got a call that turned his life upside down. Everything about him came to a sudden halt when he picked up Sylvia’s call and heard that his daughter was dead. For the first few seconds, his head was blank as he tried to process her words because nothing she said made sense. However, in a more panicked voice, she told him to get to the hospital at once because Lily was dead.
That day, he drove out of the office like a bat out of hell. It was only a miracle that he wasn’t pulled over by the police, and when he got there, to his horror, he confirmed for himself that Lily had been pronounced dead upon arrival. He demanded an explanation from Sylvia, who had been home with Lily. He just couldn’t understand how the girl, who had been hale and hearty when he left home that morning, was suddenly dead. Sylvia told him that Lily had been playing with her doll when she suddenly started to lose breath and eventually passed out. Sylvia wept as she recalled how she tried to give the poor girl CPR until the paramedics arrived, but in
the end, none of it was needed because she passed on all the same.
Losing his daughter was just too much for Steve to bear. He simply collapsed and wept profusely as he thought about never seeing his little girl again. Looking at him, Sylvia knew she had to take up responsibility and be the strong one between them.
She decided that Lily should be buried immediately so she and Steve could focus on moving on together. Steve didn’t disagree with the plan. There was no point in holding on to a lifeless body and denying his daughter access to the afterlife. If burying Lily would reduce the pain of losing her, then he was open to it. And now that Lily was in the ground, he realized that the pain was still there, and rushing to bury her hadn’t helped matters at all.
Now, sitting with the empty bottle of whiskey upturned in front of him, he picked up his phone and began to scan for the doll’s network. When he bought the doll, an app had been installed into his phone to allow him access to the footage.
As he kept scanning, tears fell from his eyes as he realized just how self-centered he’d been. He had bought the doll to be closer to his daughter when he was away, but he never did that. He had allowed his work to come between him and his baby, and now his life was ruined. At long last, he zeroed in on the doll’s signal and clicked on it. Then, after a few seconds, he began to live stream what the doll was seeing. At first, it was all darkness, and it was understandable because Lily was buried in the ground.
However, as he listened, he realized that the doll’s microphone was picking up on something. He turned up the volume, and to his horror, he heard cries pouring out of his phone speakers. The cries sounded remarkably like his daughter’s. It didn’t make sense. She was dead; he had seen her dead body. How could she be crying in her coffin? He fiddled around with the app and realized that he could switch to night vision. His mouth fell open when he saw his daughter clawing and punching her tiny fist against the cover of the coffin.
With a scream of terror, he jumped to his feet and raced to his car. Then, like a maniac, he drove to the cemetery. On the drive over, he called the cops and told them that his daughter was still alive, and he begged them to send an ambulance. Sylvia had heard him scream at home and called him several times, but he never picked up. He had something more important to do. Steve was a man possessed as he tore through the gates of the cemetery.
He grabbed a shovel from the caretaker’s office and began to dig. He started alone, but when the officers came, they gave him a hand as well. Thankfully, the freshly covered earth was still soft, so it was easy to dig through until their shovel struck the coffin. Almost unable to control himself, he grabbed the lid of the coffin and yanked it open.
He felt a tremendous relief wash through him as he stared at his daughter’s sobbing face. She was alive. For a moment, he’d been terrified that he’d imagined it in his grief. However, she was far from all right. Her breathing was weak, and she was tired, even unable to stand on her own. The moment the ambulance arrived, she was taken to the hospital for immediate treatment, and Steve rode with her. This time around, he refused to leave her side because he was terrified that something else would happen to her in his absence.
The first time she had been brought to the hospital, the doctors had checked her vitals and concluded she was dead. No one had asked for an autopsy. Sylvia had explained that Lily had just collapsed and had requested no further tests to be done on her, but now it was time to get answers.
At once, tests were run on her, and it was discovered that Lily had been poisoned. She had been plied with sleeping pills, but the amount that was in her system had not been enough to kill her. It had just driven her into a near coma and a short-lived one at that. As Steve heard about this, he became terrified. He realized that the only person that Lily could have trusted enough to take anything from, besides him, was Sylvia. But it didn’t make any sense to him because Sylvia had been so nice to Lily in the last few weeks and had even tried to make Lily call her mom. It simply couldn’t be her.
Now that the police were sure it was an attempted murder, an investigation was launched. With the toxicology report, the doctors provided the exact type of pills that were used to poison Lily, then they went about searching for the person who had bought large amounts of it. To everyone’s shock, their investigations led them to Sylvia.
She was shocked to her bones when armed officers pulled up at the house and placed her under arrest. During the interrogation, she quickly broke down and confessed that she’d indeed tried to kill Lily. She had a large amount of sleeping pills, which she’d put into pineapple juice to mask the taste. She was certain that if Lily drank it all, then her heart would collapse as a result. However, she had no idea that Lily was mildly allergic to pineapple, and eating it or drinking its juice always made her sick to her stomach, and it was no different that day.
The poor girl threw up more than half the pills in her system before she eventually passed out. However, the doses in her system were still lethal enough to slow her heart down to the point that it looked like she was truly dead. This was the real reason Sylvia had rushed the funeral. It was to cover her act because she knew that the sudden death could lead to an autopsy, which she didn’t want. Once Lily was buried, she was sure the truth would be buried as well. However, she was wrong. Just as she didn’t count on Lily’s allergy, she also didn’t count on the doll that ended up saving the poor girl’s life.
When Sylvia was asked why she did such a heinous thing, she simply said she had no choice. She had married Steve for his money, and she’d been ready to get it either by divorcing him or by inheriting it all. However, when she found out that he had left everything he owned to Lily in his will, she realized that the little girl had to go first. That was why she started acting nice around her so that when Lily finally died, no one was going to suspect her. If Lily had stayed dead, Steve would have turned up dead as well about a year later, and everything he owned would be hers. That had been her grand plan, but it was all for nothing now because all she could see in the near future were prison bars.
Everyone was shocked that such a heinous crime could be planned out in someone’s mind. They were terrified at the length Sylvia had been willing to go just to get Steve’s money by any means necessary, and through all this, Steve blamed himself. He blamed himself for allowing such an evil person into their home and also for refusing to listen to his daughter when she warned him about Sylvia. He promised himself that no matter what, he was going to take the things Lily said more seriously.
Lily spent about a month at the hospital before she was finally discharged, while Sylvia was sentenced to many years in prison. Lily and her father returned home. The little girl clutched Sandy tightly to her chest. After learning how her father had been able to save her because of the doll, she promised to never let it go at all. Father and daughter returned to their lives. They were shocked and traumatized but glad to be alive and together. They were both grateful that they had another chance to spend it with each other, and they were going to give it their very best every single day for the rest of their lives.