Dad Writes Powerful Post After Spotting What Stranger Was Doing With His Toddler At The Airport

Babies and toddlers are incredibly adorable, but they can also be incredibly exhausting – especially if you are a new parent that needs to travel.
Not only do you have to keep them occupied, but you also have to keep them quiet and relatively well-behaved as well.
The last thing you need as a young parent is disapproving glares from other people who are probably judging you for being a horrible parent!
As you can imagine, all this is exhausting, on top of just how draining traveling by itself can be.
It comes as no wonder then that many parents just opt to stay at home instead, where they can get help from friends and family!
Unfortunately for Kevin Armentrout, he had no such luxury this time.

An author and a public speaker, Armentrout is a man who finds himself flying across the country on a regular basis for his work.
And as anyone who flies regularly will know, delays and waiting for transits is just part and parcel of the whole experience.
Armentrout has plenty of experience with this, but his 16-month-old daughter? Not so much.
Luckily for Armentrout, help came in the form of a wonderful man named Joseph Wright.
A sales manager from Oklahoma, Wright was waiting to board the plane that Armentrout and his daughter, Carter Jean Armentrout, were both waiting for.
Toddlers being inquisitive young things, the girl had been happily walking up to total strangers to say hello – and it just so happened that Wright was one of the people she approached!

Wright, as it turned out, has a soft spot for children, and invited the little girl to sit down with him.
There, he proceeded to entertain the toddler for the next 45 minutes, pulling out his tablet to show her how to draw on it.
Although the toddler ended up screaming at some points and attempted to get into Wright’s work calendar, the man never failed to show incredible patience with her.
In the end, the two ended up spending some time together to watch cartoons, and Carter Jean offered her new friend some snacks to eat!
All this gave Armentrout an unexpected but much-needed break to take a breather and relax.
Upon seeing Wright demonstrate such love and patience with his daughter, Armentrout couldn’t help but feel incredibly emotional at the intergenerational and interracial interaction that had unfolded in front of his eyes.
The two of them spending time together was a great example of the kind of world he wanted to raise his daughter in, a world that was just full of kindness and gentleness.

When he got back home, Armentrout couldn’t resist writing about this event and posted his thoughts about it onto Facebook.
There, it had gone viral, picking up over 386,000 likes and 153,000 shares and counting.
In fact, the post had spread so far and wide, it was eventually found by some of Wright’s friends.
Apparently, none of them was surprised by this post at all – that is just how Wright is!