
Daily Show Guest Host John Leguizamo Goes Wild Over Trump Indictment: ‘Lady Justice Grabbed Trump By The P***y!’

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Daily Show guest host John Leguizamo was overjoyed to hear about the news of former President Donald Trump’s indictment this week.

On the Thursday edition of The Daily Show, Leguizamo closed out the week by discussing the decision from the grand jury and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Leguizamo played a clip from ABC 7 NY, discussing the charges. The live audience went wild, as did Leguizamo, clapping and fist-pumping with glee.

“That’s right, that’s right. Lady Justice grabbed Trump by the p**sy,” Leguizamo said joyously.

“And, you know, I take a firm stance against mass incarceration. Okay? But for this, I’m willing to make an exception,” Leguizamo added. “I just hope they take it easy on him and put him at least in a cell with his lawyer.”

Leguizamo elaborated that this was a good lesson for kids to learn.

“If you commit fraud to cover up an affair with a porn star, the law will catch up to you — after like seven years and a full term as president,” he said.

“Now, I know we’re all hoping to see him put in handcuffs, but we don’t know how it’s all gonna go down. The report is that they’re gonna try to negotiate his surrender. Either that or they’ll leave a trail of Big Macs leading to the prison,” Leguizamo joked.

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