Daughter Hands Father His Order – Then He Tells Her Something That Causes Her To Start Crying

As Jane, a young McDonald’s employee, handed a bag of fast food to the customer in the car, she noticed a familiar face – it was her estranged father whom she hadn’t seen in years. With trembling hands, she asked if he wanted ketchup or mustard, not expecting what he would say next. Slowly, Jane’s eyes filled with tears, and she could already feel that she was about to burst out crying.

Soon, without even thinking, she threw the sauce packets at him and ran away into the bathroom. One of her colleagues, Marsha, shot the customer a dirty look, not knowing that it was Jane’s father, and quickly followed her into the bathroom. When she arrived in the bathroom, Jane had locked herself into one of the stalls. Marsha couldn’t help but ask, “Well, what did he say to you that made you cry so much? Is everything all right?” Jane explained that he was…….Read Full Story Here.……….