“Mrs. Aino had been shocked when the sweet 99-year-old had refused to leave her classroom, claiming the man who was coming to pick her up was not her father. Trying to coax the girl out of the room, Emma made a shocking statement. Mrs. Aino peered as she looked at the man, quickly grabbing her phone to call 911.

Lillian looked at Emma, how her small fingers gently went over the pages of her book. Her eyes slowly went over the page as she absorbed the story about witches. When the bell finally rang, indicating the start of the weekend, all the kids started to grab their belongings, pack their little backpacks, and run outside to meet their parents to go home. Emma had started to pack, shooting a glance to the schoolyard before she stopped in her tracks and sat back down. Kids were filing out of the…….Read Full Story Here…………