“Garbage collector finds newborn in a dumpster and raises him as if he were her own. Years later, no one would believe what happened. Sitting in an ivory chair in his luxurious mansion, Anthony was in anguish. He was pressing his hands to his temples, and his eyes were closed. His uneasiness was evident by the foot that tapped the ground in distress.
The room was spacious with some luxurious art and an imposing fireplace, but none of that mattered at the moment. The man’s mind was clouded, wondering how his life had changed so suddenly. The clock on the wall ticked loudly in the silenced mansion. Anthony looked at the clock, which marked 10 a.m., and his mind went back to three days ago.
He remembered running out of the house with Talita, his wife, who was about to give birth exactly at this time. Driving quickly, the millionaire needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Talita, who was in the back seat, was sweating non-stop and screaming in pain. ‘Calm down, sweetheart, we’re almost there,’ her husband tried to calm her down, his voice tense. However, the woman could not wait any longer.
‘Stop the car, Anthony, I can’t take it anymore, he’s coming now, stop the car!’ she screamed in pain. Unable to park the car in the busy lane, he turned the car abruptly and stopped on a dirt road under an avocado tree. Talita felt the strong contractions, the pressure in her pelvis was unbearable. The baby was about to be born.
The businessman quickly got out of the car and helped his wife to lie down. Amid that chaos and one last scream of pain, relief came. Her baby was born, and his first cry filled the air. Emotion took over Anthony. He handed his son to the mother, who wrapped him in her own dress. It was a moment of pure happiness for the couple. The woman took the little gold bracelet they had made for their son, engraved with the phrase ‘our treasure, our Noah,’ and placed it on his little arm.
‘There you go, my love. This is a reminder that your parents love you so much,’ Anthony’s eyes shone with emotion. However, he soon felt a chill when his wife mentioned the umbilical cord. ‘The umbilical cord, love,’ he remembered that he kept a pair of scissors and a bottle of hand sanitizer in the glove compartment of the car. So he quickly grabbed them, sterilized the scissors, and cut the umbilical cord about three centimeters from the baby’s body to prevent bleeding. He clamped the cord.
Everything seemed to be calming down when the husband helped his wife to get comfortable with the baby in the back seat to leave. However, his nightmare was about to begin. Suddenly, an icy sensation touched Anthony’s lower back, and as he turned, he was faced with the menacing figure of evil-looking men. He soon realized that one of them was holding a gun.
Talita flinched, instinctively protecting Noah with all the strength she had left. ‘Haha, looks like we won the lottery after all. The oldies at the farm didn’t have anything interesting, but this big car right here, I bet it’s worth millions,’ said the head of the criminals, approaching the businessman, who was paralyzed until then. Fear gripped Anthony; he shuddered just imagining what those criminals could do to his family.
Under normal circumstances, the man would hand over the car without hesitation, but he needed it to get his wife and child to the hospital. And even terrified, he tried to negotiate. ‘My wife is in the car, she just gave birth. I need the car to take them to the hospital. I have some money in cash,’ but said the businessman, being interrupted by the head of the gang.
‘Shut up, I didn’t ask what you have, buddy. I’m taking everything, the car is ours now. Screw your wife and son, get them out of the car now!’ ordered the merciless leader to the others. But just at that inconvenient moment, the worst happened.
Desperate to see the henchmen pull his wife violently from the back seat, Anthony tried to stop them. She was fragile, as was the little one in her arms. The businessman tried to save his wife, not knowing the consequences. That poor man had no idea that he would bitterly regret it for the rest of his life.
Screams echoed, chaos ensued, and finally, a shot rang out. Anthony thought he had been hit at first, but as he looked into the car, his heart broke with what he saw. Talita had been shot. ‘No!’ he shouted, his eyes filled with tears. He tried to run to his wife and son. However, before he could reach them, the businessman was grabbed and thrown to the ground by the head of the gang who accused him of what happened.
‘You just had to hand over the car! Please let me help my wife!’ begged the millionaire, desperate. The leader ordered Talita and the baby to be removed from the vehicle. Anthony, who was crying inconsolably, saw his wife seriously injured and her little son crying beside her. He begged for mercy, offered money, but the callous criminal would not relent.
‘I want money, but I don’t trust you. He’ll come with us,’ said the leader, snatching the baby from the mother’s arms. The father screamed in despair, powerless in the face of the cruel situation. The criminals left, leaving him with the bloodied Talita and without the baby.
‘No, Araba, baby,’ she whispered in a weak voice. Anthony ran to his wife and realized that he needed to be strong and act fast. Even with the turmoil of feelings in his heart, he decided that first of all he needed to save Talita.
‘Calm down, love. We’ll find him, I promise. But now, I need to save you, you have to be strong,’ the poor woman was losing a lot of blood, and her husband had to act fast. He leaned her against the avocado tree and ran towards the road, screaming and waving at cars, asking for help. However, no one would stop; his shirt was full of blood and scared everyone who looked through the car windows.
‘It was then that by a miracle, a police car passed by. The officers seeing Anthony in total despair and with bloodied clothes didn’t think twice about stopping the vehicle. They got out of the vehicle, still afraid, pointed their guns at the man and asked what had happened. In a few words, the businessman warned that he could not explain at the moment as his wife was seriously injured and needed help.
The officers followed him to the woman and upon seeing the scene were horrified. ‘My God, she needs to be taken to the hospital urgently, she’s losing a lot of blood. Let’s get her in the car,’ said one of the policemen, picking up Talita, who was already unconscious. Everyone rushed to the nearest hospital. Anthony was holding his wife in the back seat, and his tears were streaming down her face. But that man was not prepared for what fate had in store for him.
check out this video below for more details