
Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin Claims Biden’s Stolen Classified Documents Are Fine And Then Jumps the Shark and Claims President Trump Attempted an Insurrection on Jan 6

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Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin is a piece of work. He has no problem making statements that are untrue and others that omit material facts. For him, it’s all for the party, to hell with the law and the country.

This weekend Raskin was again interviewed on the Fake News media CNN and he made statements about the Biden classified document crimes that were uncovered last weekend making Biden’s crimes seem like a walk in the park.

Raskin was on with Jake Tapper as they discussed Biden’s acts that were criminal in holding classified documents in his garage that he stole when he was Vice President.

In order to make his case he needed to lie and lie he did.

Raskin first claimed that this all happened quickly as the Biden team was very helpful in notifying the corrupt DOJ of these documents. This is simply not true. Biden held these documents since he was Vice President under the corrupt Obama regime. Biden had no lawful reason to hold the documents. They were stolen. This occurred at least six years ago and has been ongoing since that time. This is clearly not quickly addressed.

To justify his false statements, Raskin decided to lie about President Trump. Raskin does this all the time.

Raskin shared that the government investigators had to get a subpoena to get documents from President Trump that Trump fought over for over a year.


President Trump provided the FBI access to the documents that he legally took with him from his first term. The President allowed the FBI to look at these documents and allowed them on his property to do so. The corrupt FBI stole documents from President Trump after obtaining a subpoena from a pre-selected corrupt judge and not telling the Trump team about their actions.

President Trump had every right to every document he took with him from the White House. This is the President’s right per the law. Biden had no right to take documents from the Obama White House because he was Vice President.

The FBI illegally raided the President’s home – something unprecedented in history. This raid was unnecessary, unprecedented, and unlawful.

Raskin then claimed that Biden only held a government document that should no longer be in his possession. This too is a lie. The documents (plural) held by Biden were stolen when he left office in 2017 and he never had any right to hold them in the first place.

Raskin then jumped on his dead horse and claimed that President Trump was involved in “inciting a violent insurrection against the government”. This too is a lie. There is no evidence to support this.

There is more evidence that Raskin and his corrupt pals in the House created a bogus unconstitutional committee as part of a coverup of an election coup to steal the election from President Trump.

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