
DeSantis Admin Bans High School AP African American Studies Class That Contained CRT and Section On ‘Queer Theory’

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The Florida Department of Education has banned an AP African American Studies class with Critical Race Theory and a section on “queer theory” from being taught in the state’s high schools.
The course was banned after a review found that it violated the state law prohibiting CRT from being taught in classrooms.

“The Florida Department of Education has rejected the College Board’s AP African American Studies course because it lacks educational value and historical accuracy,” Bryan Griffin, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “As submitted, the course is a vehicle for a political agenda and leaves large, ambiguous gaps that can be filled with additional ideological material, which we will not allow. As Governor DeSantis has stated, our classrooms will be a place for education, not indoctrination.”

Naturally, the left lost their minds over the ban, accusing Governor Ron DeSantis of implementing a “Don’t Say Black” rule, alluding the “Don’t Say Gay” nickname for his Parental Rights in Education law.

The Daily Caller obtained the course syllabus and reported, “Unit 4 includes a section titled ‘African American Studies: Movements and Methods,’ under which is a lesson on ‘Black Queer Studies.’ The section teaches students about ‘the concept of the queer of color critique, grounded in Black feminism and intersectionality, as a Black studies lens that shifts sexuality studies toward racial analysis,’ according to the syllabus.”

The course also includes readings from Eduardo Bonilla Silva, author of ‘Racism Without Racists.’ The book ‘examines in detail how Whites talk, think, and account for the existence of racial inequality and makes clear that color-blind racism is as insidious now as ever,’ according to its description.”

DeSantis’ office said they are ensuring Florida schools “utilize accurate, historical curriculum.”

“Governor DeSantis has continually advocated for and ensured Florida’s schools utilize accurate, historical curriculum, including curriculum that factually portrays African American History,” Griffin said.

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