
Desperate Mother Pays The Price After Latest Beauty Trend Goes Horribly Wrong

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People will do some crazy things to try and keep up with the latest fads – sometimes the results are disastrous. In Hertfordshire, England, Kirsty Weston bought heavy-duty bleach powder from a street vendor and used it to lighten her hair. The box said it met all safety standards – but don’t be fooled!

Kirsty was trying to get her hair shades of pastel to resemble a unicorn’s mane. The moment Kirsty put the bleach powder on her hair, she felt severe pain. Warning: Some of the images below are graphic.

In just 15 minutes, her hair was smoking, and the excruciating pain made her start to feel dizzy.

Kirsty had tried to wash her hair immediately, but the chemicals had already reached her scalp. The following day, Kristy’s face started to swell, and she couldn’t open her left eye, so she to the hospital. Doctors prescribed her some antibiotics – but the pain continued for the next several weeks.

Kirsty had suffered severe chemical burns and would need surgery. In the end, Kirsty had six surgeries and a skin graft. As there are no hair follicles left on Kirsty’s head, she was given two options – but there is no guarantee of success.

Kirsty, 29, and a mother is now warning other women about dyeing their hair at home.

Please consider going to see a professional if you want a new hair color. The skin on your scalp is sensitive and using the wrong chemicals may cause burns. Please spread the word.

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