
Royal Guard Surrounded By Rude Tourists, Then He Breaks The Protocol And Then Does This

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Amidst the chaos of a busy Tourist Day at the Royal Palace, a dedicated Royal Guard found himself surrounded by an unusually rude group of visitors. Tempers flared, tension hung in the air, and the tourists refused to heed his commands. Just when it seemed a clash was inevitable, the guard did something that left everyone stunned and questioning. He unexpectedly broke protocol.

James had wanted to be part of the royal guard ever since he was a little boy. During his first briefing, his sergeant had told him that posing or laughing when a picture was being taken was strictly prohibited. Then it had been fine; he had no idea in what manner those rules would get him in trouble.

James thought he had seen it all – people telling them corny jokes, walking in their path, making loud or strange sounds. Nevertheless, James felt like nothing would ever make him or his colleagues lose composure. He had no clue how wrong he was.

He was halfway through his tour shift when the sun started to set, and the tourists started to gather even more, needing to take their photo with one of them before the light escaped them. They weren’t like most tourists, James observed. There was something off about them – the young men with cameras swung around their necks and flashy outfits walked straight toward him and his fellow guards.

It wasn’t long before he heard his fellow soldier yell, “Do not touch the King’s Guard!” James looked slightly to the side but couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It seemed as if the men were trying to find out how far they could go. It flabbergasted James. Did they not know that the Royal Guards were real soldiers trained for war and not simply standing around as gimmicks?

His colleague clutched his weapon, keeping his composure as the men were too close for comfort. James knew that he had to step in if the gentleman went too far. Nevertheless, it seemed as if his fellow Guardsman, William, had other plans.

Instead of going into action, he made another shout, “Make way for the King’s Guard,” William said as he started to march forward with the warning hanging in the air and William already moving. He shoved himself through the group of men, two of them stumbling backward. It had been something they had been trained for – though they had to give a warning, the royal guard would nearly walk through people who were in their direct path.

James could see their annoyed glances and swore he saw spit flying from one of their mouths. James hoped that they learned their lesson, but instead, the men set their sights on him, their leader – a man with dark sunglasses swaggered up to James. He had this arrogant grin that stretched from ear to ear.

The man had the audacity to reach out for James, not merely to touch him but to snatch off James’s iconic bearskin hat. James’s reflexes had him tilting his head just slightly to keep his hat out of the man’s reach.

“Do not touch the King’s Guard,” James said to the man, raising his voice. Instead of listening, as most people would, this man didn’t get deterred by the statement but instead stepped closer. The man was now truly in James’s personal space, his face barely inches away from James’s own.

“Smile for the camera,” the man taunted, a wolf-like grin on his face. James’s mind raced; his duty was to remain still, unresponsive – it was the one thing they could do regarding annoying tourists or if they felt the need to move.

“Make way for the King’s Guard,” James exclaimed. He straightened himself, his bayonet firmly clutched into his hands. He would walk past this man, and that would be all. As soon as he would walk, this weird power play would be over.

James had never expected this to happen. When James started to march, the man had braced himself, slamming into James but instead of staggering, James held his ground. Cameras snapped urgently, capturing a moment that would surely become infamous.

As chaos loomed, Corporal Steven’s trained instincts kicked in. He moved with calculated precision, inserting himself between James and the disruptive tourists. In a voice firm and unwavering, Steven addressed the crowd: “This is your only warning. Disrupt order again, and you’ll regret it.”

Chastened by Steven’s intervention, the once-bold tourists began to retreat. James nodded in gratitude, feeling an unbreakable bond with his comrade. As the tourists moved away, an officer approached them, relaying a clear message: “Your actions today have consequences. Legal measures are an option if you choose this path again.”

The tourists gulped, realizing the gravity of their actions, and with one final wary glance, they disappeared from the scene. Inside the dimly lit quarters, William, a close friend and fellow guard, quickly spotted James’s troubled demeanor. A large screen lit up the room – the viral video playing for all to see. The silence was palpable, save for the occasional murmur of recognition or surprise.

Alongside it, other clips showed numerous instances where guards had been taunted, adding context to the challenges they face daily. The online community began to buzz with whispers, each more scandalous than the last. It turned out he was no ordinary tourist but a serial provocateur with a slew of controversies under his belt.

Speculation ran wild – had the troll chosen James as a specific target? Was it the uniform, or perhaps a particular detail from James’s past? It seemed the troll had an uncanny knack for selecting the perfect victim to ensure his videos received maximum traction.

The realization dawned that perhaps this wasn’t just about one guard’s mistake but a premeditated act designed to exploit and humiliate for the world to see.

The door opened, revealing an officer with a somber expression. Clearing his throat, the officer relayed the decision of the panel: a temporary suspension. The words hit James like a sledgehammer, echoing painfully in his ears. Staring blankly at the wall of his room, James felt the weight of shattered dreams. He had aspired to be a royal guard since childhood – picturing himself proudly standing watch. Was it all over because of a single brief moment of human emotion?

Across social media platforms, news of James’ suspension became the topic of fervent discussion. Supportive hashtags began trending, and an online petition for James’s reinstatement quickly amassed thousands of signatures. The streets near the palace saw spontaneous gatherings, with placards in hand of citizens chanting their support for the young guard.

Amidst the chaos, an unexpected twist arose. An elderly lady, Mrs. Atkins, approached the media with previously unseen footage. With shaking hands, she offered a video shot from her old smartphone, explaining, “I thought it might shed some light.”

The video was from a vantage point that had captured the entire scene. When the video played, it unmistakably showed the troll leaning into James, his lips whispering words that were lip-read by experts. The conclusion was unanimous – he had spewed a deeply personal and derogatory comment about James’s mother.

The revelation added depth to James’s reaction, painting it in a much more sympathetic light. As the new video circulated, public opinion shifted even more firmly in James’s favor. Social media was abuzz with messages of empathy and outrage against the troll.

The panel, once confident in their decision,now faced mounting pressure. Enhanced audio from Mrs. Atkins’ video revealed more than just whispered words. As the troll’s cruel words about James’s mother reached James’s ears, the guard’s immediate reaction was to draw his weapon, leading to an unintentional nick on the troll’s arm.

Many within the royal guard privately confided that they might have done the same if placed in James’s shoes. Cornered by the overwhelming evidence against him and facing mounting public scorn, the troll made a desperate move.

A shaky video appeared online where, with visible fear in his eyes, he admitted to his past actions and the calculated insult aimed at James. The world watched as he expressed remorse, although many questioned its authenticity.

Not stopping at just an apology, the troll went further. He clarified that James’s reaction had indeed been a result of his vile provocation and that the guard had acted in a manner that seemed purely defensive. This revelation spread like wildfire, shifting public sentiment even further in James’s favor.

The combination of the new video evidence, the troll’s confession, and the outpouring of public support made the panel’s decision all the more challenging. Inside sources hinted at intense debates within the committee’s chambers, yet there was a palpable feeling in the air, a hope shared by many that James might soon don his uniform once again.

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