Divers find an old camera lying on the ocean floor. Then, they saw the pictures, losing something incredibly meaningful and important. Like a camera or photo album, it can feel devastating. Most of the time, there’s no other option than to move on. However, once in a blue moon, a long-lost item makes its way home under the strangest of circumstances. This is one of those stories.
When conducting research, divers from a Canadian university discovered a long-lost camera on the seafloor. From the looks of it, it had remained there for years, if not decades. While it was strange enough to find a camera on the bottom, the divers never thought it would work. But, believe it or not, it turned on, and they could not believe the photos they found.
On the morning of May 13, 2014, a diving team from the Marine Ecology Department at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada, prepared to head out into some pretty deep waters. You see, the team wanted to conduct a research dive to study the waters off the coast of Banfield, near Vancouver Island.
While the dive team had initially planned to simply take some notes on oceanic wildlife, their goals that day quickly changed. As the team loaded up the boat and headed out onto the deep blue sea, they had no idea what the ocean depths had in store for them.
Specifically, the team wanted to dive into the cold waters to study the many variations of sea stars that call the area home. By taking a large group out there, the divers hoped to shed light on their interesting behavior and numbers. Not only that, but some of the divers also planned to capture a few sea stars to study them back in the school labs.
However, once on the seafloor, something embedded in the seabed caught the eye of one diver. At first, he had no..Read Full Story Here…,