do you remember the story of Ducky the black human Barbie this young woman had the looks of a real-life doll complete with long hair smooth skin and ideal proportions but you’ll be amazed at what she looks like now.
The change will blow your mind when you first look at ducky you might think that she’s some kind of a doll but the truth is that she’s a real human despite her Flawless looks smooth skin and stunning features she’s just a person like everybody else those very looks made her stand out in the first place but her road to beauty and fame has not been an easy one nor it was handed to her on a plate ducky whose original birth name was nyarak thought was born in South Sudan.
the country while beautiful and prosperous in its own way had very little to offer daki’s family so not long after she was born they moved to Australia the move of nearly 12 000 kilometers took them away from everything they knew and loved but Ducky’s family knew that if they wanted her to have the best start in life then somewhere as Multicultural and bustling as Australia would be the perfect place to do so still ducky was only Young when they made the move and she had to make her way through the school system first and receive a proper education luckily she was a model student and worked hard in order to learn as much as she could.
It was at school that she received her famous ducky nickname nyarak was a little bit too tricky for the young children to say and they struggled to properly pronounce her name but they quickly found it easier to give her a nickname ducky was easy to say and simple to remember while some people may find it Unbecoming or even offensive daki didn’t mind and she found the name to be quite cute but as the years ticked by ducky had to start to think about careers and getting some kind of job as she grew up.
would this be as simple and easy a task as her parents had first thought when moving to Australia or would it be a much trickier Venture only time would tell surprisingly the answer to her dilemma was right at her feet or better yet on her face as she started to mature and developed ducky found that she had pretty Flawless skin it was smooth and unblemished and almost looked like it was made of plastic it was as if she were a life-sized doll people started to call her black human Barbie .
A term that ducky struggled with for quite some time she could understand where they were coming from but there was something about the term black human Barbie that didn’t just sit right with her she could never quite figure out if they were picking on her and making fun of her looks or complimenting her she tried her best to take it as a compliment but it couldn’t be denied that when some people called her it it was almost as if they were saying it in a derogatory way this of course started to get to ducky though she never let her emotions out in public saving her worries and tears for her pillow on top of that.
Her long hair and beautiful features were eye-catching and resemble those of some kind of exotic catwalk model or fashionista she found that women wanted to be her and man wanted to be with her it might sound like an amazing situation to be in but in reality ducky found it quite distressing without trying to sound too big-headed or up myself looking the way I do has some real drawbacks ducky said remembering back to her days in high school and college I knew when I was beautiful but the way other girls would sometimes look at me and talk about me was heartbreaking.
I never knew who I could and couldn’t trust and then of course it seemed like men were only after one thing so I constantly had to keep my guard up but things weren’t always difficult after successfully doing some amateur modeling photo shoots and catwalks ducky applied to be on the reality TV show Australia’s name Next Top Model an interactive competition in which a number of aspiring models compete for a chance to begin their career in the fashion industry while she didn’t expect to make it onto the show ducky had the confidence to know that she was good enough to apply but the wait was a long and arduous one and all the while ducky kept booking the occasional photo shoot it was difficult and money was beginning to get tight her family needed another income and her few jobs weren’t enough to keep things going perhaps the move to Australia had not been the best one maybe ducky was destined to forever be striving for greatness.
But never achieving it it was a worry that kept her up at night but she was nothing if not strong-willed she could do it she would do it one big obstacle was that there seemed to be some resistance in Australia for women of color to get modeling bookings it seemed like industry bosses were only hiring a certain type of model and ducky didn’t fit into that role perhaps perhaps you would have been better suited to the catwalks of Paris or New York in truth ducky struggled with these detractors and keeping her emotions in check became harder and harder still if she wanted to make it in the business she would need to hold things together and stay the course it’s a tough business to crack said ducky as he reminisced about her struggle to book jobs early on in her career.
It seemed like there was this reluctance to book people of color for some reason I think they believe that your standard white girl was what everyone wanted to see modeling clothes but the truth is at least as far as I’ve seen the people want black representation too and Latino and Asian luckily ducky finally received word that she was selected to become a contestant on Australia’s Next Top Model and her dream suddenly started to come true on the eighth season of the show she competed against all kinds of other beautiful women taking part in tasks photo shoots and catwalks in order to impress the industry leaders perhaps they would see something in ducky
something they would be able to take advantage of it seems like they did and since appearing in the show Ducky’s career and fame have gone from strength to strength she has become a global Ambassador for L’Oreal Paris as well as participating in fashion shows all around the world modeling some of the most beautiful and cutting-edge items of clothing the industry has to offer she even had the opportunity to work alongside rapper Kanye West who sent his assistant chasing down the street.
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