Doctors Said His son was “DEAD”. Dad did not Believe it, Stopped Them And The Unexpected Took Place – Heartwarming Story

At the tomball regional medical center one desperate parent was confronted with this conundrum no it didn’t end with him accepting what the doctor said and saying goodbye to his son this dad did something no one saw coming.
His reaction led to this call hey we need the police stat to the hospital we have a family member with a gun these were the words of hospital staffed gary hammond tomball police’s head of criminal investigations george pickering ii who lives in pinehurst texas had angrily taken up arms while standing at his son’s hospital bedside sounds like a movie scene doesn’t it but for this father this wasn’t make-believe his son’s life was on the line.
while george stood at his son’s bedside with the nine millimeter in his hand two things were written on his face fear and desperation he was sweating profusely and shaking at the same time this wasn’t a man who wanted to hurt anybody it’s ironic that he was the one with a weapon but was still the one who was scared no one knew what he was going to do next.
His ex-wife and the nurses were all crammed into one corner while george shouted at them would he go through with it or not you see the last 24 hours had been a whirlwind for him the doctors told him that his son george pickering deterred was brain dead but george disagreed however no one listened to him and why should the doctors had done their tests and they were certain of the results george’s son was brain dead when a patient’s condition makes them unable to participate in their own care the hospital’s policy states that the appropriate substitute decision maker has the right to decide whether or not they will move forward with a recommended care plan.
The recommended care plan for the young man was to be taken off life support and the substitute decision maker wasn’t the father that responsibility belonged to his ex-wife teresa and his other son they took the doctor’s advice and agreed to a temporary wean which would have slowly removed his son from life support you have to agree that this seems like a logical decision but the patient’s father disagreed call it father’s intuition or anything but george was adamant that his son wasn’t dead no one knew where his convictions came from.
But he was 100 sure that his son was still alive still he was overruled because everyone believed these were the thoughts of a father who didn’t want to give up on his son even though all hope was lost someone had even already notified an organ donation organization of an incoming donation they were moving too fast the hospital the nurses the doctors george said so is this a father who was blinded with love and wasn’t thinking logically! or did he have a specific reason for believing his son was still alive ?maybe.
He did georgie as his family lovingly called him has had seizures in the past and his father explained this to everyone he believed this was just another of his son’s episodes he stated that if he was given some hours with his son he would perhaps be able to prove it however the patient had been in a coma for months so would a few hours make any difference for george every second he could keep his son alive mattered the young man wasn’t just his son.
he was also his best friend there were like two peas in a pot and the sun was a splitting image of his father and for some reason neither the father nor i can fully explain to you why he believed his son wasn’t brain dead the two shared an unbreakable bond and the father wasn’t ready to let go of that they also ran a small electrical engineering business together and had just started building their own home together when the young man had a stroke and went into a coma .
However despite pleading his case and telling everyone that his son was still alive they didn’t believe him george was told that from the next morning his son would be slowly taken off life support that’s when he knew he had to make a decision that’s when he took matters into his own hands or in this case took up arms the next morning he went to the hospital knowing he had to do all it took to stop them from taking his son off the life support machine on his way to the hospital he bought alcohol and made sure he was drunk before stepping into the medical center i guess he was mustering up the courage to do what he had taught about now he was in his son’s ward alongside with his ex-wife his other son and a couple of doctors and nurses and when they were about to start the temporal wean process he knew it was time to act he pulled out the firearm and threatened everyone in the room.
However what he demanded was quite strange he told them all he wanted was time to prove what he believed george said i knew if i had three or four hours that night i would know whether my son was brain dead at that point i had blinders on all i knew was i just needed to have this time with georgie he ordered everyone to leave the room so he could talk to his beloved son his ex-wife and the hospital staff left the room as soon as they did one of the hospital workers dialed 9-1-1 and informed them of the situation inside the room george stood nervously looking over his son who was connected to many tubes and wires he thought to himself is his son really still alive or had he caused this uproar for nothing was his son brain dead? like the doctor said would he be going to jail knowing that he would not see his son?.
when he woke up or was he right which would also mean that he had saved his son’s life at this point there were only three people in the room the father georgie who was in a coma and george’s other son who was trying to convince their dad to stop the sudden takeover george needed a miracle right now while holding his son’s hand george spoke to him and told him to squeeze his hand if he could hear him nothing happened for the first time george had doubts whether his son was still alive maybe the doctors were right after all but he wasn’t going to give up easily so he called him again this time he stammered while making the same desperate requests you’ll never believe it but this time the young man did the father wanted to be sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him.
So he asked him to do it again the son squeezed his father’s hand again and several times after that george showed his other son he was right his brother wasn’t brain dead shortly after the law enforcement officials arrived the hospital was now filled with swat officers they implored george to surrender and leave the room but he wanted to show them that his son wasn’t dead before he surrendered when they entered the room the father was by his son’s bed and still holding his hands he showed them as well that his son was still alive george’s other son was eventually able to coax him to give up the firearm naturally he was arrested by the police and charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
His unconventional albeit dangerous strategy had worked everyone now agreed that his son wasn’t brain dead and the doctors didn’t take him off life support after some days george the third woke up from his coma when he was told about what his father had done to ensure he wasn’t taken off the life support machine he was moved yes there was a law broken but it was broken for all the right reasons it was love it’s the duty of a parent to protect your children and that’s all he did everything good that made me a man is because of what my father did i don’t want to offend anyone but he did what he believed he had to do and he’s been proven right he showed everyone that i wasn’t brain dead he said the lawyer who pleaded the father’s case said this case has always been about the father protecting his son .
when his son couldn’t protect himself one charge filed against george ii was eventually dismissed and the other was lessened he was given credit for the time he served and was released