Things can go from adorable to horror quickly when you see your family dog grabbing your 17-month-old baby. This was Sophie Taylor’s shock when she walked into her living room to find this terrifying sight.

As she swiftly moved towards the scene to rescue her precious daughter from her loving dog, which she now dreaded, Sophie realized that her dog had an extraordinary reason for acting in such a strange way.
Hold on to your screen; this is the story of two family members trying to win a battle for survival. When Sophie’s daughter and her dog met for the first time, the atmosphere was filled with that cute spark of genuine friendship. She could tell they would be best of friends, and they truly were.
So fast forward to months later; this mother would never imagine that her sleek and adorable Doberman would act towards her baby in such a violent way. The situation quickly got out of hand and beyond expectations. Sophie was in…..Read Full Story Here……..