
Dog Prevents Owner From Being Taken off Life Support. The Reason Will Make You Leave You In Stun

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This dog surprised everyone by preventing people from taking his owner off of life support. The reason will make you cry. They say that dogs are man’s best friends, and this story proves just how true that is.

Michael had worked as a police officer in the canine unit all of his life. He was responsible for the training and handling of one of the police dogs in the force. He had quite a few canine partners in his career, but a German Shepherd called Zeus was one with whom he formed a remarkable bond.

When it came time for Michael to retire from the force, Zeus was only a year old. But the former police officer simply couldn’t bear the thought of leaving without the canine. He asked his boss if there was any possible way that he could take the dog with him, as he considered the animal a member of his family. Thankfully, his boss agreed and allowed the man to take Zeus with him into retirement.

Despite his strong name, Zeus was a meek and gentle puppy. He always preferred to have a cuddle instead of play fighting, and he simply loved being with his owner. At first, Michael’s wife and children were a bit wary of allowing the dog into their home, as he had been trained as a police dog, which meant that he knew how to….Read Full Story Here…,..

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