Donald Trump is standing up for the American taxpayer.
Trump ripped the latest omnibus bill as “an unmitigated disaster.”
He also blasted McConnell for pushing it through for Democrats – McConnell and 17 other RINOs voted for the bill.
The Omnibus Bill is an unmitigated disaster. Mitch McConnell pushed it through for the Democrats. So bad for our Country, so bad for the Republican Party!
Congress passed the Omnibus bill Friday and Biden said he will sign it.
NPR reported:
Congress passed a nearly $1.7 trillion government funding bill Friday, sending the package to President Joe Biden
The House voted 225-201 on the bill Friday afternoon racing to avert a prior deadline of midnight tonight to keep the government funded.
The president said in a statement Friday that he will sign the bill into law the moment it hits his desk.
Critics have blasted the bill.
The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board called the bill “The Ugliest Omnibus Bill Ever.”
The Epoch Times reported:
One of the sharpest critics this year came from the Wall Street Journal editorial board, which wrote an op-ed titled “The Ugliest Omnibus Bill Ever” on Dec. 20 after Congressional leaders unveiled the $1.7 trillion spending package.
“This is no way to govern in a democracy, but here we are,” the editorial board wrote, calling the spending bill the “worst in history.”
Every year, lawmakers come under fire for using the omnibus to fund the entire government rather than passing regular spending bills on time. In addition, they are criticized for rushing through policy changes via omnibus, many of which require separate votes or could not pass on their own.
“Major changes in law deserve their own debate and vote. Instead, a handful of powerful legislators wrote this vast bill in a backroom,” the Journal’s editorial board said.
The bill prohibits Customs and Border Patrol funding from being used to improve border security – while giving hundreds of millions for border security in foreign countries.
The bill includes $65 million for a federal building named after Nancy Pelosi and $3.6 million for the “Michelle Obama Trail.”