“Don’t You Dare Get Out of This Bed”: Pregnant Mom Makes Abortion Appointment, Then Her Baby’s Heartbeat Changes Everything

Like most women who learn they are unexpectedly pregnant, Dixie immediately started processing through all of her options.
“When I took the pregnancy test at home, my first reaction was disbelief,” she told Focus on the Family.
Thinking there was no way she could keep this baby, Dixie made an appointment to have an abortion.
“My mind was already made up. And nobody was going to change it.”
But God had different plans for Dixie and her unborn baby. Dixie’s mother brought her into a Focus on the Family care center, hoping that by talking with someone and getting an ultrasound of her baby—living, growing, developing inside of her—Dixie might change her mind.
Focus on the Family provides a wide array of options for expecting mothers, including licensed and experienced Christian counselors, resources on how to approach unexpected pregnancy, clinic care for family planning, and a plethora of other resources in making decisions for your future and that of your child.
When Dixie first saw her daughter on the ultrasound screen for the first time, she immediately knew she couldn’t terminate her. Hearing the heartbeat pumping through her baby inside of her, Dixie was given hope for a future that just minutes before looked very grim.
“It was life-changing.”
Rather than attending her abortion appointment the following morning, Dixie stayed in bed, and told herself she couldn’t possibly go through with it, having seen and heard with her own eyes the LIFE she had experienced inside of her the day before.
“I just rolled back over and told myself ‘don’t you dare get out of this bed,’” recalled Dixie after her alarm went off. “And I did, all day actually crying.”
If it weren’t for Dixie’s mother, and the resources provided by Focus on the Family, Dixie would have never known the joy and LIFE she was giving up at an abortion clinic.
Specializing in abortions, Planned Parenthood does not offer an ultrasound like what Dixie was able to get prior to choosing termination. That means that a mother is making a decision to end a life with no prior knowledge of just how much they’re giving up.
For Dixie, getting an ultrasound was the difference between life and death for her daughter.
According to Focus on the Family, more than a million unborn babies will be aborted in America this year. With the help of their Option Ultrasound program, hundreds of thousands of babies will be given a fair chance at life, and their mothers will be surrounded by people and resources who can help them through the unthinkable.