
Driver Gets Strange Feeling About Boy On Bus. Then He Looks At His Feet And Sees It He was Left In Shock

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“Why did this bus driver instantly call the cops when a boy boarded his bus? Bus drivers transport hundreds of people on a daily basis. They see various faces get on and off their buses, some are regulars, and some they only see that day.

That’s precisely the experience Tim Watson has on his daily bus route. But one fateful day, a couple of new faces would become stuck in his mind forever. When a man and a little boy boarded his bus on July 5th, 2015, Watson couldn’t have imagined what he would have to do next.

But thanks to his sharp eyes and instinctive actions, Watson would be called a hero. When Tim Watson arrived for work one Friday morning, he didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary. Most days were typically the same to the bus driver.

He’d start his route and watched the collection of passengers pass through the bus at each stop. In the 8 months that Watson had been working for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, he’d seen his fair share of passengers. Some were happy to be there, while others had seen better days. Each passenger was…..Read Full Story Here……….

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