
Dying little boy sat up and said four words, then he closed his eyes forever leaving them in tears

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“They say that children are angels sent to us from heaven. Their hearts are so pure and they’re so selfless that they can teach us a lesson or two on how to be better people.

Their simple innocent deeds and affectionate words can melt even a heart made of stone. But unfortunately, it sometimes happens that these angels leave us too soon, and that’s what our story today will be about.

A woman named Ruth Scully didn’t know how difficult it would be to look at the bathmat. Many of you might think, “What could be so special about a mat?” But for Ruth, this mat represents her love for her son.

That’s because Nolan’s goalie was terrified to stay away from his mother, even for a moment because he was battling soft tissue sarcoma. So whenever his mother was taking a shower, he would lay on this very mat waiting for her.

It all started with a regular nasal congestion which few people may pay attention to at first. The boy just had the sniffles, but then it turned out to be a symptom of a terrible diagnosis. One night, the boy got ill, and his parents took him to the hospital where he was soon put on the……Read Full Story Here.……

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