
Dying Woman is Rescued by Homeless Dog From Car Crash. He Drags Her Over 100 Ft To Get Help

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“When a woman ended up in a car crash because of her speeding, she assumed the worst. But then a miracle came forward in the form of a dog. In the state of Georgia, there is a quaint town known as Pavo. Shannon Laurio had lived in the quiet area for as long as she could remember. She shared a home with her husband, and much like everyone else in the neighborhood, they simply kept to themselves.

On the 26th of January, Shannon went through a life-changing experience. During that evening, she got into an argument with her husband. Although quarreling is quite common within relationships, this fight ended up escalating very quickly. It was too much for Shannon to handle. After it went down, what Shannon wanted above all else was some space.

Shannon left the house and headed towards her car. A nighttime drive sounded like the ideal thing to cool off. She jumped into the car and sped off. Although she had been driving for years and knew the rules, safety was the last thing on her mind. She was angry. This seemed like the perfect outlet, and so she accelerated. Her heart pounded against her chest as she drove faster and faster.

If you were to visit Georgia, you would notice how woodsy some of the areas are. There is an abundance of fully grown trees in the state, and while this is usually something to appreciate, there are times when this can pose a problem for travelers or drivers. Georgia is also known for its windy roads, which are long and curvy. Coupled with the countless trees, people should be cautious, especially when driving down the infamous NASCAR road.

Shannon ended up on that road. Although she had heard of all the warnings surrounding this area, the emotions from the argument still had her in a high-strung state. Although safety wasn’t the first thing on her mind, Shannon still tried to follow the…Read Full Story Here...,..

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