“Grandma thinks she’s dying, then doctor reveals what they found inside her [Music] Pray that receiving the happy news that you’re going to be a grandparent for the first time is indescribable. Can there be a sweeter moment for a mother than knowing that her son or daughter is also going to become a mother? Surely, there are a few things that can make us feel so happy and bring families together.

Your beloved son or daughter is going to have a baby of his or her own. You feel happy but at the same time anxious. Perhaps you’re filled with memories of when your child was a newborn. In your mind, you can still see them playing and running around like children, and now suddenly, they’re the ones who are going to be parents.
Your heart is torn between joy and nostalgia, and all you want to do is meet your grandchild and help your child in any way you can. This is precisely how the protagonist of our next story felt. A sweet and feisty woman who loved her family above all else and dreamed of being able to watch her grandchildren grow up. And she would, but first, she would have to face an unexpected event that would change her life completely and make her realize that life never stops giving you surprises. Alison Dent was a happily married 42-year-old woman who lived in Darlington, England, with her beloved husband Robert, to whom she had been married for over 25 years. Allison was a…….Read Full Story Here………..