
Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World

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Landon Whitley, a young boy, tragically lost his father in a car crash on October 19th, 1997. Returning from church, an ambulance collided with their car, resulting in the death of Landon’s father. Landon, just eight years old, was in the back seat during the accident. His mother, Julie, vividly remembers the last words from her husband as he tried to warn them.

Rescuers initially focused on Julie, not realizing Landon was also in the car due to the damage. When they found him, he wasn’t breathing. Despite being resuscitated multiple times that day and life-flighted from the scene, Landon’s situation remained critical. Doctors warned Julie that even if he survived, severe brain damage was likely.

Miraculously, after two weeks in a coma, Landon opened his eyes without any apparent brain damage. Julie, overjoyed that her son was alive, now faced the daunting task of telling him about his father’s death. To her surprise, Landon calmly told her that he knew where his dad was—he had seen him in heaven.

Landon’s experiences in heaven went beyond reuniting with his father. He claimed to have seen family friends and even siblings he never knew he had. Shockingly, he revealed seeing the two children Julie had miscarried before his birth. This revelation astonished Julie, as she had never shared this information with Landon.

In subsequent visits to heaven during moments of death and revival, Landon reported meeting Jesus. According to him, Jesus gave him a message and a mission: to go back to Earth, be a good Christian, and share the reality of Jesus, heaven, and angels. Landon emphasized the importance of following Jesus’ teachings in the Bible and reassured that life gets better in the end.

Following this divine directive, Landon and Julie began sharing their story to inspire hope in others facing loss. Julie expressed her realization that, despite the initial confusion and grief in 1997, they were protected by angels, and their lives were unfolding according to a divine plan.

Instead of succumbing to grief, Julie found purpose in using their story to help others navigate their own journeys of faith and loss. Watching her son share his experiences and spreading the message of Jesus became a source of immense blessing for Julie. Landon remains steadfast in his mission, conveying that there is indeed a heaven because he has been there.

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