
Every night, This Woman Slept Next to Her Pet Snake Until Something Horrible Happened

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The vet looked worried as he used a machine to check the snake inside. Others gathered around, looking concerned too. Mel wondered what they saw that made them frown. The vet started to worry about her snake.

Mel was always considered different. But who cares if she wanted tattoos or piercings? And who could judge her for having a seven-foot-long python as a pet?

A snake was just right for her small house. It didn’t need much care and didn’t make noise like her neighbor’s dog. It hadn’t caused any trouble so far. No one understood the special bond she had with Fang. He came into her life at the right time, and she took good care of him. Some people might find it weird or scary to have a snake as a pet, but Mel never had any problems. Fang never tried to harm her or her visitors. If only her neighbors would…….Read Full Story Here…………………..

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