When a young girl with Down Syndrome starts school, everyone hates her and calls her a monster. The girl and her parents are heartbroken, but then she does something to prove everyone wrong, and 20 years later, they all regret calling her a monster.

Whitney held back tears as the winner of the art competition was announced. She scanned the crowd and saw a sea of faces that had made her childhood a misery. Almost everyone in that room had expressed hate towards her and called her a monster.
But now, 20 years later, here she was, proving them all wrong. Her eyes fixed on her parents, and she noted how proud they looked. It had taken a lot of hard work and determination to get where she was, but her parents had always supported her. But even if she won the competition, could she really forgive everyone in that room? Could she be the bigger person? If she had to be honest with herself, she had always been the bigger person, if not the…….Read Full Story Here.…………….