“Everyone, including her own family, hated her because of her very dark skin. Now, 20 years later, these people who hated her regret their actions a lot. Kia Diop has a skin color that you don’t often see in films, fashion, or magazines.

The beautiful model from Sagal always has a hard time coming up with words to describe it. Her skin is so dark that it almost seems blue.
Cudia went through really tough times when she was growing up just because of her very dark skin tone. People hated her and were very mean to her because their idea of beauty was all about having lighter skin. She had to deal with bullying from both her neighbors and schoolmates. Imagine how hard it must have been for her to feel good about herself when others were so unkind. This made it difficult for Cudia to accept and love her special and beautiful dark skin. Coua was born in Sagal on the last day of 1996 with an unusually dark skin tone. When she was born, her parents and the doctors were all very surprised. Even as a baby, she was really dark, much darker than all her friends and family. Only her elder brother had a……..Read Full Story Here………