I was a Jewish kid. My parents were Jewish, and my family lineage goes back generations of Jewish people. One day, when I was five years old, I was playing outside with my friend Bobby. Suddenly, a summer thunderstorm began, and Bobby got frightened.
He said, ‘I have to go home.’ Confused, I asked him why, and he replied, ‘It’s lightning. It could kill you.’ I reassured him, saying, ‘Bobby, lightning won’t hurt you.’ He insisted, ‘Yes, it could.’ He started running home, and his mother, Mrs. Perigee, came out and urged him to hurry. I told her, ‘Bobby says lightning could kill you.’ She replied, ‘It can kill you too. You better go home right now.’ Then she slammed the door.
Shortly after, a lightning bolt struck just 15 feet away from me. Terrified, I ran into my house as fast as I could. My agnostic Jewish sister found me in my room, frightened and hysterical. She comforted me, saying, ‘What’s wrong, Warren?’ I exclaimed, ‘It’s lightning. It can kill me.’ She reassured me, ‘Lightning can’t touch you. It can’t hurt you.
God will protect you.’ I asked, ‘God? Who’s God?’ She explained, ‘Well, you can’t see Him. He’s invisible, but He lives in a place called heaven, and yet He is everywhere, even in your room at night when it’s dark.’ That notion frightened me more than the lightning and thunder.
Later that night, as I lay in my dark room, I felt an overwhelming fear. I fell asleep and found myself in a dream-like vision of heaven, filled with thunder and lightning. In the distance, I saw clouds parting in a circular fashion, revealing a beautiful golden light. I later learned it was! Read Full Story Here…,.