
Everyone Laughed When He Married This Fat and Ugly Girl. 18 months Later, They all Regret it!- Touching Story

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Love doesn’t discriminate against race beauty or size so when everyone laughed at Danny Reid for marrying Lexi he wasn’t bothered nor did he share their sentiment that his wife was fat and ugly.

Danny was just happy that he got married to the woman he considers the love of his life before he met Lexi Dany worked for an optical Service Company he was in charge of interpreting eye examinations and recommending lenses Coatings and Frames to suit customers needs.

The 35 year old was also very active when he was younger as he played Sports and loved skateboarding but as he Grew Older all of this stopped partly because of his schedule this resulted in his consequent weight gain Denny had been involved in several relationships but they never worked out until he met Lexi in 2007.

The pair knew they were destined to be together shortly after they met they got along effortlessly and shared the same values and after going out on a number of occasions the duo started dating and even though she was very chubby this didn’t stop Danny from liking her.

Lexi has been overweight all her life this always made her feel less confident about herself but whenever she was around Danny he made her feel comfortable before they met each other Lex had tried several times to lose weight but it just never worked for her.

She’s watched shows like Weight Watchers and La weight loss but whenever she’d lose weight she still gained it back, she would often skip breakfast than have a huge lunch on the days she did eat breakfast she would grab a sausage egg and cheese biscuit hash browns and a large Coke at McDonald’s Lexi worked in a law firm her job was to help people get Social Security disability benefits.

The 32 year old states that her job was like a calling card to her but one she did not heed she added I would listen to people talking about their diabetes their heart problems their neuropathy I realized if I didn’t take care of myself I’d be the one person calling in this point, I had a lot of joint pain and I struggled to breathe but I still couldn’t discipline myself to do what needed to be done after Danny and Lexi got comfortable in their relationship she put on more pounds the couple spent most evenings on the couch binge watching Netflix ordering pizza drinking soda and eating junk food.

They ate a total of 8 000 calories per day when Lexi and Danny visited the Chinese restaurant it wasn’t unusual for them to make trip after trip to the buffet keeping food on as many as eight plates we were just sitting watching TV not taking care of ourselves but Danny never made me worry about it he just loved me and never treated me badly Lexi said then he loved his girlfriend and although they always attracted various gazing eyes whenever they went out.

This didn’t stop him from proposing to her however planning for the wedding wasn’t as smooth as they expected Lexi weighed over 400 pounds 181 kilograms so it was difficult to get a wedding dress that was her size after dating for eight years Danny and Lexi tied the knot in October. however not everyone was happy about their Union I posted pictures about our wedding on the internet and it was met with comments from people who supposedly know what’s best for me it was ridiculous most of them told me Lexi wasn’t good enough for me.

That’s the problem with people on the internet there are strangers who think they know you more than you know yourself Danny said not only did they say that Lexi wasn’t good enough for him but some of the comments also marked her size and called her unpleasant names still the optical service worker was in love and he wasn’t deterred by the rude and hurtful comments.

Instead he and his wife focused on becoming parents they both wanted to have a large family but Lexi also realized that because of her size she would not be able to have a baby by now the couple weighed 765 pounds or 347 kilograms Lexi weighed 485 pounds or 220 kilograms while her husband weighed 280 Pounds or 127 kilograms Danny and his wife decided they would do their best to lose weight but they hadn’t started putting in the work just yet they also share their ordeal with one of their friends, who then challenged them to cut out soda alcohol takeout and cheat meals but Lexi and Danny didn’t begin their weight loss Journey only because of what their friends said or because they wanted to have kids.

there were several other reasons that spurred them to make the decision Danny added I had a click moment I was hiking with some friends and I was behind they kept looking back and saying are you okay back there are you keeping up I was trying to that moment really stuck in my head it was one of the big reasons I wanted to change for Lexi it was because her weight made it uncomfortable for her to do a lot of things she wasn’t able to travel as much as she would like to because it was always difficult for her to get on the plane.

The lady couldn’t drive a car without her stomach touching the steering wheel and she couldn’t put on her shoes and socks without struggling so on New Year’s Day Lexi and Danny dedicated their life to achieving their desired body although they both knew this was going to be a difficult task still the first few months were much harder than they could have ever imagined starting wasn’t easy when your body is used to doing the same thing over and over you become a creature of habit.

I think it’s better to shock your body and do everything completely differently than to make slow changes Danny said the hardest part of them was changing their relationship with food day by day Lexi and Danny had to learn to eat to live rather than live to eat they also use the body system to keep each other accountable on days when Lexi didn’t feel like doing any exercise Danny encouraged her to push herself and vice versa.

when they started working out Lexi was also self-conscious about going to the gym but thanks to Dany she was able to push through it because she wasn’t walking alone Lexi stated at 485 pounds I was probably over the weight limit of the machine I was also the hardest worker in the room because I was so determined to change it was hard I wasn’t fast but I got 30 minutes done and every time I went back I challenged myself to to beat my time I got faster and stronger .

The couple go to the gym five times a week and work out for 30 minutes every day sometimes they work out for longer periods and other times for less time Lexi also attended Zumba classes and wanted a way to build accountability so she started an Instagram account I thought maybe I’d have 10 Instagram followers I started it because I didn’t want to annoy all my Facebook friends with my posts but I was surprised that in just a few weeks I had thousands of followers. it made me realize that many people were going through the same issues we were facing and I think this is why they could relate to our story she said also to ensure they stick to that regimen.

They looked for ways to make fun healthy versions of the foods they liked they focused their meals on protein sources like lean meats chicken turkey and salmon as well as vegetables like brussels sprouts sweet potatoes and broccoli they choose whole wheat bread and will make pizza on a tortilla rather than having a stuffed crust instead of a Taco Bell they make healthy taco salad at home without the shell.

18 months after they got married Lexi went from 485 pounds to 173 pounds while Danny dropped 95 pounds from his 208 pound frame after making such tremendous progress Lexi wrote on her Instagram page we didn’t have a meal plan surgery or personal trainer but what we did have was each other and the motivation within to work hard every single day we may have lost the weight but we have grown closer together she said the couple has become a source of inspiration to millions of people battling weight issues all over the world.

however her weight loss didn’t happen without some repercussions her Extreme Weight Loss left her with excess skin on her arms stomach and legs it took a nine hour surgery to remove over seven pounds of surplus skin from her body Lexi had a quick recovery and left the hospital less than a week later she and Dany had the last laugh against all the people who questioned their relationship and it’s just a matter of time before they become parents

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