
Everyone told him he’s crazy when he moved living in a cave. But when they visited him, they were left speechless

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Thanks to modern technologies and renovation, most of us live inside comfortable houses. We have a water supply, electricity, and things like refrigerator or laundry machine that makes our lives easier.

And of course not to mention that we are hundreds of years after the time where people used to live in caves or huts..


Well turns out a few years ago, Angelo Mastropietro, who had a successful career as a businessman in Australia, decided to give up living in a modern house and moved to live in a millions year old cave

Angelo was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2007. The disease completely changed his life upside down, and his priorities list have changed also.

During that time, he recalled a 250 years old cave that he found 10 years earlier when he was looking a shelter from the rain, according to the Daily Mail.

In the beginning, the cave wasn’t appropriate to live in. But after he invested time, energy and money, Angelo turned it into his dream house.

It took him 8 months to turn the cave in Worcestershire in England into a house worth living in.

Now the “cave” has all the comfort a man can ask, including flowing water, heated floor, and WiFi.

We had to say Angelo did a great job in designing the cave. Don’t you think?

Would you live in a cave? Let us know in the comments

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