
Family Adopt a 5 yr old girl But When she Learns to Speak English They Discover The Truth

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When Adam and Jessica Davis decided they wanted to adopt a child, they were overjoyed. They already had four children of their own, but they were growing up.

It was time for another child. However, they didn’t think it made sense to have another biological child when there were so many unwanted children. They also didn’t need to adopt a baby. They decided to search for an agency to help them adopt internationally.

The Davises started working with an agency based in Ohio called European Adoption Consultants. The goal of the agency was to give orphans the opportunity to find parents in America. That seemed like a worthy goal to the Davis family.

After a short period of time, the agency called to tell the couple about a girl. They located her; her name was Namita, and she desperately needed a home.

The agency said Namita’s father had died and that her abusive mother wanted nothing to do with her. If she did not leave Uganda, she would have no….Read Full Story Here..,…

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