
Family-Of-6 Does Not Eat for Days, Desperate Grandma Steals 5 Eggs and Gets Caught by a Cop (Video)

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With nothing left to lose, one woman chose to break the law. Devastatingly, a cop came along. But shockingly, instead of handcuffs, this officer held something unimaginable in his hands.

A grandmother’s love for her family makes her capable of anything — including going to prison. In 2014, one grandmom, Helen Johnson from Tarrant, Alabama, knew she had to take drastic action.

This realization came after she and her family had been starving for two days. Johnson lived with her two kids, two grandkids, and niece.


She usually received a $120 welfare check every month. Although small, this is what she used to feed her family. But, this time, the check got lost in the mail, leaving everyone desperately hungry.

Johnson was genuinely frightened that the little ones may die if she didn’t do something now. So, she chose to risk her freedom for the well-being of her babies.

Somehow managing to pull together $1.25, Johnson went to the dollar store to buy eggs. Her heart dropped when she realized she didn’t have enough money.

So, Johnson did something she had never done before and tried to take home five eggs without paying. Unfortunately, she did not get very far, remembering:

“Of course, when I put them in my jacket pocket, they broke.”

Later, she facetiously admitted, “I’m not a good thief at all.”


Police officer William Stacy most likely agreed with Johnson’s sentiment as he easily stopped her from leaving the store.

Johnson was sobbing as the police officer told her to wait in the parking lot. She desperately tried to explain her situation because she knew this was the moment he would arrest her.

But, when the officer came back, he was not holding handcuffs but rather a carton of eggs for her and her family. Then, the two shared a warm hug.


Johnson later referred to him as her “hero,” saying that she thanked Jesus for him. The police officer also commented on his decision:

“Sometimes we shouldn’t apply the law, but we must apply the humanity. “

But, this was just the beginning of a string of events. A bystander had caught the interaction on his cellphone and shared it online, quickly pulling in views up to 100,000s.


The police station was inundated with calls from people wanting to help, offering clothes, food, or money. But, this positivity was paused for a brief second when officer Stacy arrived at Johnson’s house. The slamming of jail bars rang in her imagination.

This time, Johnson was sure she was going to be arrested. Once again, she was wrong — the officer and co-workers had arrived at her house with two truckloads of food. She said:

“The last time I saw my house this full, I was 12-years-old and staying with my grandmother. I’ve been crying all day.”

Stacy and the civilian shared another emotional hug caught on camera and shared on the internet– the two went viral again! Johnson has since expressed deep gratitude, saying that she truly appreciates that he was there for her.


Speaking about why he helped Johnson, the officer said that he had some similar experiences as a child when his family was struggling to find food. Johnson had asked him what she could do to pay him back, and he asked her not to steal again. He said:

“Sometimes, the best route is to not arrest. [I] hope she won’t do it again. I pray she doesn’t, and I don’t think she will.”

If we only saw Johnson stealing and did not know why she chose to do it, we might have judged her. But, taking time to listen to anyone’s story can almost always help us find compassion and possibly help them — maybe we will even get a warm hug in the process.


Hunger and homelessness are sad and neverending issues worldwide — so much so that most of us have become numb to their existence.

As a result, many people on the street are abandoned by society, including veterans. But, Max Zahir decided to help a homeless veteran, stating that it was the least he could do for him since he served his country.

Not only did Zahir buy this ex-Army Ranger a meal, which left him in tears, but he also offered him a job at his restaurant “Celebrities Sports Grill.”

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