When a sheep farmer named Victor and his loving wife found out they were unable to have children, they were devastated. However, in a strange twist of fate, they became parents on a cold winter night.

How, you ask? The answer is as shocking as it is amazing. The story starts all the way back in 1983 in Russia. Sheep farmer Victor loved his job and worked hard throughout the summer to raise his sheep properly and keep them healthy and safe. This had been his passion ever since he was a teenager and loved spending each and every summer with his sheep in the open air, doing what he enjoyed most.
In the spring, he would shear the sheep and sell the wool. He would also help with the birthing of the lambs, bringing the next generation of animals into the world, ready to be sold. During the late summer, he would plant seeds and let them grow so he could harvest them and make some money from the crops.
He certainly was a busy man. So good was Victor at his job that his sheep seemed to enjoy his company just as much as he enjoyed their company. In fact, it wasn’t unheard of for them to actively run towards him to…Read Full Story Here.…….