
Firefighters halt as they spot struggling mom filling kids’ pool with a pot, decide to make the kids’ day

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Birthday parties are important milestones in the life of children and parents always want to make sure they go above and beyond when it comes to celebrating.

Similarly, this mother aimed to make her little boy’s day but was not prepared for just how much work it would take her. This was until the heroes stepped in…

A mother in Charlotte, North Carolina was trying to make her son’s birthday party memorable. Since it was a characteristically hot summer day, it occurred to her that the perfect activity for the little ones would be to splash around in a kiddie pool.

She placed the pool in the middle of her yard and realized she would have her work cut out for herself. Since she did not own any pipes, she would have to use pots and pans, to slowly fill the pool.

It was going to be a long arduous process as she refilled each container and emptied it into the pool. The children stood around the pool, patiently waiting for it to be filled, to see whether they will be able to make it inside anytime soon.

As she was in the process of filling the pool, a fire truck passed by. The firemen saw the mother struggling and decided to help.

They grabbed the hose from their truck and used it to fill the pool with water. Of course, the children were ecstatic at this. Not just the fact that they would be able to splash around in the pool but also because it was firemen filling up their pool from their truck!

The young mother was incredibly grateful to the fire department for their kindness and help.

The firefighters were incredibly happy with their actions, and their official Facebook page dedicated a post to their good deed.

The post read, “Firehouse 18 is a neighborhood firehouse full of men and woman who truly care about the families they swore to protect. Today, after leaving a medical call, Engine 18 stumbled across a family desperately trying to fill up a kiddy pool by filling pots from the sink for a little boys birthday on this sweltering day. What was just a simple task for us turned into laughter, smiles, and a lifelong memory for the neighborhood kids as well as the men on Engine 18? Proud to serve the WESTSIDE!”

People absolutely loved this action by the firefighters that helped make the day for several little children as well as for the tired mom. The firemen did not have to stop for the family and could have gone about their day as usual.

The pictures show just how overjoyed the little kids were and how happy the mothers looked as a result as well. The firefighters taking the time to fill the pool for these kids was a kind act that these children will remember for the rest of their lives.

But stopping to help the family fill up the pool really allowed them to show how they take their oath to protect the community so seriously. They went above and beyond their call of duty and served the community in a very positive way!

Truly a little kindness can go a very long way!

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