A woman from Huntington, New York, experienced constant pain for a whopping thirty-five years, leaving her bedridden. But as it turned out, the solution to her troubles had been right in front of her the whole time. Dana Anhalt, who is 37 years old, has suffered from a long list of illnesses from a young age.
She was constantly in recovery from a wide array of problems, ranging from mild to serious. But in 2011, her body began to give out on her. Her health went downhill despite treatments and she faced excruciating pain and dropped a huge amount of weight.
No doctor had ever been able to determine the cause of all of Anhalt’s problems. She’d been diagnosed with far too many illnesses to count, including Lyme disease, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. But then her family made a shocking discovery that revealed everything.
They’d noticed a musty stench emanating from their basement and went to check it out, only to find that the whole basement was completely infested with black mold. The mold is incredibly toxic and can riddle anyone who comes into contact with it with numerous health issues.

Anhalt’s doctor immediately told her and her family to leave the apartment, including all of their belongings, behind. It was a difficult time as they couldn’t bring anything with them for fear that it had also been affected by the mold.

Now, Anhalt is raising money for a new apartment and for the treatment she needs on GoFundMe. She and her family are relieved to be moving on from something that caused them decades of nightmares. Remember to regularly check your homes for black mold, too!