According to rabapost.com, Loren Schauers, now 21, endured a traumatic experience of being severed in half by a forklift and implored medical professionals to save his life, even if it meant preserving only his head. The unfortunate incident occurred in September 2019 when Schauers was driving the forklift across a bridge in the US, but it veered off and plunged 50ft down to the ground. The four-tonne vehicle trapped him underneath, resulting in severe injuries that significantly altered his life.
Due to the severity of his injuries, the builder underwent hemicorporectomy surgery, which involved amputating everything below his waist to save his life. As a result of the accident, Schauers lost three of his limbs. In a desperate plea to the medical professionals, he even requested them to save him, even if it meant only preserving his head.
It has been more than three years since the devastating incident, and Schauers now lives without his legs and right forearm, with his wife Sabia Reiche as his primary caregiver. Recently, Reiche shared her experience of the moment when doctors informed them that Schauers would need to undergo major surgery that involved the amputation of everything below his waist to save his life.
“We were all like super shocked and none of us knew how to react and none of us knew how Loren would react because he’s an 18-year-old guy living life to the full,” she said.
“And so there were fears in our heads that he wouldn’t want this surgery or would rather die than lose half of his body. But his sister really fought hard to let him make that decision.”
Schauers’ mum had power of attorney before the operation, according to Reiche, which meant she had a very tricky decision to make.
“She didn’t know whether to have the surgery done and for him to wake up and hate her for it, or not have the surgery done and he die and her feel like she killed her son,” Reiche added.
They did decide to eventually go through with the surgery, and as Schauers came round, it truly was the right decision, as he was determined to survive the horrific ordeal.
“I knew he wasn’t going anywhere because he looked them dead in the eye and told them he didn’t care if he was just a head on a plate, they’re going to do the surgery and they’re going to keep him alive,” Reiche said.
“That really brought a lot of hope for us, that he was a fighter, but we already knew that because he was still alive.”
Loren Schauers survived the awful accident, but had everything from the waist down amputated. Credit: SWNS
Man chopped in half by forklift begged doctor to save him even if he was just a head
Loren Schauers, who survived a harrowing incident of being severed in half by a forklift, has shown immense courage by sharing a picture from the horrifying scene that altered his life forever. The incident occurred in September 2019 when Schauers, who was 21 years old at the time, was operating a forklift on a bridge in the United States. Unfortunately, the vehicle veered off and plunged 50ft to the ground, resulting in the traumatic accident.

The builder lost three limbs as a result of the accident and he made the brave decision to let medics perform hemicorporectomy surgery – where everything below his waist was amputated – to save his life.
And now, three years on from the accident, the labourer has made the brave decision to share pictures of the moment that nearly killed him.
Pictures show a forklift on its side off the side of a steep hill, with Schauers not visible under it.
On Instagram, he said: “If you look closely in the second photo, you can see me still pinned under the forklift.
“Last photo is exactly what type it was I’m sure of.”
He’s braver then I could have been.