“Our pets can sometimes be the ones that miss us most. This dying man says goodbye to his heartbroken dog. The dog’s reaction is very shocking. Jon knew that his lungs weren’t strong enough to keep him alive on their own. If he wanted to stay alive to keep taking care of his best friend, he was going to have to leave him for a while and take a big risk.

He would have to agree to get on a ventilator and give his lungs a break, but they had explained that the risks were huge. Many people who get placed on a ventilator don’t ever get strong enough to get off it. He would have to be put in an induced coma, and they couldn’t guarantee he would ever be able to wake up again.
But the once powerful Warrior was now so sick he could hardly take a breath, and the worst part was that they couldn’t even figure out what was going on with him and why he was sick. As an army vet, he had faced death many times, but he was worried about his best friend, basil the German Shepherd.
He would have to say goodbye to his heartbroken dog, but basil was not only his best friend; he was his partner too. JN met the dog when he was in the military; they were working in the same team, and Jon quickly formed an unbreakable bond with the dog. So when it was time for Basil to retire from the military, there wasn’t even a choice John was going to adopt him and take him home.
Not long after that, John also retired; they would be able to settle into an easier life together. John went home, and he was offered the job of becoming the sheriff in his town; it was the perfect job for him, and basil went everywhere his human did; he remained his partner. They had an incredible Bond; both had seen some rough times; they had a good life. But then out of nowhere Jon started getting sick. He was used to being able to fight any enemy, but now he had no idea what he was fighting this time. Now his lungs were giving in, and he had to say goodbye to his heartbroken dog.
He was worried that basil wouldn’t have anyone to take care of him; one of his deputies Sandy promised to take care of the dog until Jon could take him back, and she would care for him even beyond that if it did come down to it. But they all hoped that Jon would be back on his feet soon. John was in a private room in the hospital; as the sheriff, many people knew him and basil, so they allowed the dog to come and say goodbye. The dog moaned softly and put his head on the man’s chest; the nurses had to hide their tears; everyone hoped that the dog would be able to see his human again.
But the dog’s reaction was very shocking; he didn’t want to leave Jon on his own. Sandy stayed with him until he fell asleep after they intubated him; then she had to drag the dog away. Basil did not want to go; he was always very sweet to Sandy, but he was desperate to stay. Jon’s parents came to visit him often, but they were older and couldn’t stay with him all day long; leaving him on his own was heartbreaking.
Sandy took basil with her to the police station just like John always did, but he was depressed, and he just sat in a corner and sulked all day; he wouldn’t eat, and he didn’t want to play. The only time he showed any reaction was when another deputy Ian walked past her office; he hated the guy. Basil got up and growled when he just came into sight; for a dog that was as well trained as basil, growling without a command was serious. Sandy made sure that she kept the dog away from him, but seeing how badly the dog was doing, Sandy asked Jon’s doctors if she could bring the dog in for another visit. They agreed, and they lowered Jon’s bed so the dog could see him.
Basil got up on the bed and just slept at his feet for hours; the dog lay quietly at his human’s feet for days. Jon’s Vital Signs had been all over the place, but his heart rate evened out when the dog lay at his feet; the dog was also a lot calmer than he had been in days. The choice was made to allow him to stay there during the day; he was a well-trained dog, and in Jon’s private room, he wouldn’t be disturbing; they brought each other comfort, and that was important. For days, basil just lay there; he was such a good boy. When the nurses came in, he would get off his bed with his tail wagging; it looked like he understood that he had to give them space. He would nap by the window, and then when they were done, he would get back up in the bed with Jon.
At first, everyone was a little scared when they had to do tests; how would the dog react when they had to draw blood or if they did something else. He thought of his threatening, but he never reacted; he seemed to understand the nurses were only trying to help his human. The nurses were so impressed by the sweet dog that they started to carry dog treats with them; they could give him a snack after he had been so polite. Sandy would come and take him on walks; for days, it became the new routine. But there seemed to be good news; slowly Jon was starting to get a lot better; they were hoping to start to get him off the ventilator within days; everyone was already celebrating.
One day Sandy went to take basil for a walk, and Ian was going to sit with John so wouldn’t be alone. The dog was excited to get out and waited around the corner; they didn’t want the dog to react in the hospital and bother other patients. Sandy and basil went to the park and played with the ball; the dog needed to get some of the nervous energy that had been building; hopefully, the dog would soon be playing with his favorite human again. They got back to the hospital, and Ian was waiting for them outside; basil started to growl right away, but Sandy could see that Ian had something serious to tell her. She tied the dog in the shade, and they went a short distance away, but what he had to say shocked her.
They had just left when something horrible happened; Jon suddenly had a terrible seizure just like his illness; it came out of nowhere. They weren’t sure of the long-term side effects of the seizure; he could even have brain damage at that point. After having such high hopes, this was a terrible blow; as soon as Sandy loosened Basil’s
leash, he ran ahead to Jon’s room. Even for an untrained eye, she could see that Jon was a lot sicker than he had been when they left; his color was wrong, and his vital signs were all over the place. He went from being so much better to being back on the brink of death; they still didn’t know what was causing his symptoms, and they couldn’t treat the underlying condition that was making him sick.
They had eliminated all sorts of serious illnesses and had tried to figure out the cause, but everything just kept coming back negative. He should have been a perfectly healthy guy, just as strong as he used to be in the military, but he wasn’t; he couldn’t even breathe on his own. They had no idea what the matter was, and they were running out of ideas on what to test until one of the younger nurses had a wild idea. At first, she wasn’t sure that she should speak up, but one day she overheard Jon’s doctor saying that the sheriff was going to die if they didn’t soon find out what was wrong with him.
If she was waiting for a sign, then that was it; she had to speak up. She was nervous approaching the doctors; she hadn’t even finished her degree yet, and now she wanted to give them advice. She shyly told them that she had an idea and asked if she could share it. They were desperate and would take any ideas that they could get, and it turns out that this young woman who was still studying had a lot of insight. When she told them her fears, it blew their minds; everything suddenly fell into place; all the strange symptoms that Jon was experiencing seemed random, but when the girl shared her suspicion, it made perfect sense; it would explain everything.
But it was also a really heavy diagnosis to share; if they were wrong, they could do a lot of damage; they had to be sure. The only way to know for sure was to do more tests and to take things from there. They took the test, and then they would have to wait a few days for the result; they would treat him in the meantime, and they allowed the dog to be on guard with him as much as he wanted to; they didn’t know if this would be the only time he had left. Basil was even more clingy than he had been at the start; he sensed Jon starting to slip away, and he could do nothing about it, or so he thought.
The dog didn’t want to leave the man’s side; he wanted to stay with Jon all day and night, but that wasn’t healthy; he had to go on walks. Sandy forced him to go outside, but he would walk only a short while, and then turn back and go to the hospital. Sandy came to get him one night like she always did, but he refused to go home; she told him that she wanted to give him dinner, but the stubborn German Shepherd just avoided eye contact; he put his head down, and she couldn’t budge him.
Eventually, one of the night nurses told Sandy to leave him be; they would feed him, and one of the students could take him for a quick walk. They fed him some meat, and then they went for a walk, but that night the dog relaxed completely; he slept by John’s feet for a while and then got hot, so he climbed down and fell asleep underneath the bed. When a shadowy figure arrived a few hours later, they did not see the dog sleeping on the floor; by then it was very late; they had made sure that the nursing staff had done their medicine runs for the night; they wouldn’t be checking on JN for at least an hour; the culprit had timed it perfectly.
Things were going to take a very dramatic turn; the shadowy figure moved closer to the bed and looked down on John; the next moment the nurses heard a massive commotion. They had never heard basil sound that way; he was such a sweet dog that they often forgot that he had military training. The dog was growling and angry; was he getting aggressive with Jon? Did one of the machines make a sound that set him off? They didn’t know; they quickly ran to the room and were shocked by what they found. Basil had a man pinned to the ground; each time the man tried to move, basil would growl, but the dog was trained well enough to know that he didn’t need to hurt the man, just subdue him.
Everyone was shocked even more when the man’s hood fell open, and they saw who it was; Ian, the deputy that basil didn’t like. What was he doing there in the middle of the night? He had a good excuse; he had been on duty, and because it was a quiet night, he came to check on his boss; that was when basil went crazy and jumped on him. It all sounded very believable and innocent, and the nurses quickly pulled basil off and helped Ian up; he decided that it would be best for everyone if he came back in the day, but basil still looked uneasy.
Basil kept scratching for something under the nightstand; the nurses couldn’t understand his strange behavior; they would have to call Sandy to come and get him, and they didn’t think he should come back anytime soon. Just as Ian walked out the door, basil swiped something with his paw, and it came flying out; the nurse bent down to look at it, and it shocked her; it was a syringe and not one of their own; where did it come from? The moment the nurse looked at it, Ian took off running; it took split seconds before the nurse realized that he was running because he had something to hide.
But basil was a lot faster; Ian hadn’t even made it down the hall when he jumped him; he took him down hard. They still had to phone Sandy, but not just to come and get the dog; instead, it was to get the whole mess sorted out. The morning had broken by the time she arrived and bagged the syringe; she needed to find out what was in it; the nurses had tied Ian up with a bandage, and he wasn’t going anywhere. Then it was time for shift change; the nurse who had ordered extra tests came in and quickly phoned the doctor when she heard what happened; they had shocking news to share with Sandy.
They would still do tests to confirm, but they had a really good idea of what was in the syringe; our Sonic, the test they ran came in during the night. Jon was being poisoned by arsenic; they had no idea who was doing it or why, but they could tell that it continued while Jon was in the hospital. Seeing the syringe that Ian had dropped put everything in perspective; he had kept on poisoning the sheriff even while he was close to dying; that must have been what happened when John had the seizure; Ian had been alone with him plenty of time to inject him with the poison, and that was his plan for the evening too.
The results of the test showed such high amounts of arsenic, so the deputy had been poisoning him all that time, but why? It turned out that Ian wanted to be sheriff instead; he felt he had worked for it and deserved it. He also had a very lucrative drug-running empire in town, and another sheriff could interfere with his plans and money, especially a sheriff like John
John, who had plans to rid the town of its drug-related troubles, found himself in a dire situation. His health deteriorated rapidly, and the uncertainty surrounding his illness loomed heavily. Knowing that his lungs were failing and the gravity of his condition threatened his life, he faced a difficult decision. To survive and continue caring for his beloved dog, Basil, he needed to take a risky step – consent to being put on a ventilator. However, the odds were against him; the risks were significant, and many didn’t recover after being put on a ventilator. The possibility of waking up again was uncertain after being induced into a coma.
Once a formidable warrior, now struck by sickness he couldn’t comprehend, John worried deeply about Basil, his loyal German Shepherd. Basil was more than a faithful companion; he was John’s partner since their military days. When it was time for Basil’s retirement from the service, John didn’t hesitate – he chose to adopt him. Together, they transitioned into a more peaceful life after John’s own retirement. Their bond was unbreakable.
Unexpectedly, John’s health began to fail, leaving him grappling with an unknown enemy. He had to bid a heart-wrenching goodbye to Basil, fearing he wouldn’t be there to care for him. Deputy Sandy promised to look after Basil until John recovered, hopeful that he would return to his feet soon.
In his hospital room, John’s deteriorating state allowed Basil to visit. The dog’s reaction was striking; he refused to leave John’s side, displaying an unwavering determination to stay with his human. Despite Sandy’s efforts to comfort Basil, the dog’s desolation was evident. Even when taken to the police station, Basil remained withdrawn, showing no interest in activities, except for a strong reaction to Deputy Ian.
Sandy sought permission for Basil to visit John again, and when granted, Basil stayed by his side for hours, providing an unexpected sense of calmness. Their presence brought comfort to each other. Even during medical procedures, Basil remained composed, understanding that the nurses were helping John.
As John’s condition showed signs of improvement, hope glimmered. Sandy took Basil for a walk while Ian stayed with John. However, tragedy struck – John suffered a sudden and severe seizure. His condition deteriorated rapidly, confounding the medical team. Despite multiple tests, the cause of John’s illness remained elusive.
However, a young nurse’s intuition sparked a revelation. She shared a suspicion that unveiled a surprising diagnosis, leading to more tests and a possible breakthrough. John’s condition, previously a puzzle, began to make sense.