Giant Whale Won’t Leave Diver Alone, She Then Realizes He Is Trying To Tell Her Something

Despite their immense size, whales are amongst the most mysterious and least understood creatures on Earth. In the South Pacific’s Cook Islands, a tense encounter a seasoned marine biologist had with a humpback whale serves to demonstrate just how much we have yet to learn about these gentle Giants and has sent shock waves throughout the scientific community in the process.

Nan Hauser is a 63-year-old marine biologist who has made it her life’s work to study, research, and help whales. Born in Maine, she’s trotted across the globe for the past three decades on a mission to document and save as many whales as she can by fighting for their rights and protection.
It was late summer when Nan was swimming off the shore of Rarotonga, accompanied by a research vessel and being watched by her colleagues who were tracking her course by eye and with a drone using a waterproof camera. Nan was documenting her swim near a small pod of humpback whales.
As she was shooting, a large male humpback whale, likely weighing over 23 tons and measuring at least 50 feet in length, began to swim toward her. Usually, when swimming with whales, Nan would be the one approaching the…..Read Full Story Here……….