
Girl Tells Parents She Has A Twin At School – The Next Day Dad Files For Divorce

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Caroline was a creative and imaginative girl. She loved playing make-believe games with her stuffed animals and often told elaborate stories about her imaginary friends.

One day, Caroline told her parents she had a twin sister at school. Her parents were a bit surprised, but they figured it was just another one of Caroline’s imaginative stories. They thought her stories about her twin sister would eventually stop, but they didn’t.

John, Caroline’s father, figured it was best to go to the source—his daughter’s school. He went to Caroline’s teacher, but she had unexpected news for him. She told him something about his daughter he had never known before. When he left the school to inform his wife, he saw something that shocked him to his core.

John couldn’t believe his eyes. There, on school grounds, he saw something that raised even more questions than he already had. Suddenly, he realized……Read Full Story Here……..

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