
Glenn Beck Tells Tucker Carlson Trump Indictment Means ‘War,’ ‘Currency Collapse,’ and ‘Virtual Police State’ in the U.S. By 2025

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Radio host, author, and founder of The Blaze, Glenn Beck, told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday night that the indictment of Donald Trump in New York is a deliberate effort to “inflame” the country and provoke “violence from the right,” and predicted that by 2025 the dollar will have collapsed and America will have become a “virtual police state.”

Carlson had Beck on to discuss the indictment and the implications and fallout that could result from it. He introduced Beck as someone who has been proved right “again and again and again” over the years.

Asked how he’d interpret the indictment, Beck gave a long and dire answer. He covered a variety of crises and issues, predicted the end of the American dollar, and said that it means, “We become Venezuela.” He brought up President Joe Biden and his family’s alleged ties to China, predicted war with China, Russia, and Iran, brought up social media censorship, and more.

“What do you think this Donald Trump thing is really all about?” said Beck. “The American — The America that we knew. The fundamental transformation that started in 2008 is finished. We are no longer viewed as a superpower. We are now an elderly — we’re Joe Biden just walking into the twilight.”

Beck said that the indictment is meant to provoke the American right to act out violently so that the left may then finally “close the cage.”

Referencing Carlson’s earlier description of him as an exceedingly accurate prognosticator, Beck painted a bleak next few years.

“I’m going to make a prediction: by 2025 we are going to be at war, we are going to have a new dollar, a currency that probably is coming from the central bank, we’ll have a currency collapse, and we will live in a virtual police state,” he said.

“It’s not far off,” Beck added. He once more said that Democrats desperately want the right to react to a Trump arrest with violence and advised prayer instead.

“They’re doing it because they want people to strike out. Please turn to God, repent, pray for our country. Pray for peace,” he said, adding:

Let me just go through I’m going to bring a I think, a different perspective to this.

We have the banking crisis. They say it’s fine. It’s just beginning. We, yesterday, we had the Saudis and Brazil and China enter a deal to where the petrodollar is over. Brazil and China are going to trade in their own currency. That’s the beginning of the end of our currency. That means a dollar collapse. That means we become Venezuela.

We will have war with China. We will have war with Russia and Iran. We have the restrict bill. We have social media and our NSA and everybody else in bed with each other silencing people.

We, of course, have the raccoon dogs, which we all know is bullcrap. And now this week we have a new gun grab that they’re trying to do. Biden and his family taking money from the Chinese.

What do you think this Donald Trump thing is really all about? The American — The America that we knew. The fundamental transformation that started in 2008 is finished. We are no longer viewed as a superpower. We are now a an elderly — we’re Joe Biden just walking in to the twilight.

What this is all about, I believe, is trying to inflame this country in… They’ve wanted violence from the right from the beginning. They can’t wait it. They need it! Because if we strike out, look at January six, the day they’re letting the shaman out of prison because it was all trumped up, thank you, Tucker Carlson, for revealing this. The day they’re letting him out, they do this to Donald Trump?

They want you to strike out. Why? Because then they can close the cage.

I’m going to make another prediction for you, Tucker. You said I got it right. Well, everything I’ve been talking about since ’08, this is the time. I’m going to make a prediction: by 2025 we are going to be at war, we are going to have a new dollar, a currency that probably is coming from the central bank, we’ll have a currency collapse, and we will live in a virtual police state.

I know that might sound crazy to a lot of people. It’s not far off. The Bill of Rights is gone. Nobody is paying attention. Where are the Republicans? Where are the decent Democrats? That can see this is this is — this is insanity!

Glenn Beck’s book The Great Reset argues that the world is headed toward fascist dystopia, a topic he’s discussed previously with Carlson.

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