“Go to The Barn!” The Father Said to His Daughter as Night Fell And Followed Himself The Neighbor

Kenneth was a typical villager who worked in the fields for many years. He worked the land, planted and cultivated crops, and then sold them to his neighbors and lived off the money. All in all, when you’re an unpretentious old man in your 60s, that’s enough to be happy. But this job is not an easy one.
The garden requires a lot of time and effort. Kenneth himself was sure that it was only because of his efforts in the garden that he was still in such good shape. And indeed, if you look closely, any other person of his age has a lot of diseases. But Kenneth feels good. That’s how it is – the earth loves its own people, and who is her own? Those who take care of it, appreciate it.

Kenneth buried his wife less than a year ago. What can I say, life is not good for him without her. While he was working, he didn’t think about her, but at night when he came home, he pined for her. It’s not the same without Agnes. It’s not enough that he learned how to cook by himself, he’s got to take care of the housekeeping too.
He has no grandchildren, no children. He does everything himself. Now, only the dog makes the long, lonely evenings better. This dog was given to him by his neighbors, Kenneth, John, and his daughter. They must have felt sorry for the old man. Well, at least he is not alone now.
“Have you thought about getting married again?” John asked him. Then Kenneth only laughed. “It was understandable. John was a young man, 30 years old. You can still think about such things. John, are you laughing at me? Who’s going to look at me when I’m this old?” replied Kenneth.
He didn’t know yet that there would be someone who would look at him. If you think city women are shifty and pushy, well, they aren’t. You haven’t seen rural women yet. It just so happened that now they were seriously looking at Kenneth. They found out that he lived well, so the lonely women began to go to his house.
Kenneth wondered if they lined up there. Each made her own attempt to win the difficult heart of the old man. But their timid attempts were categorically rejected by the old man. At first, the women tried to wiggle around him as much as possible.
Then one came up with the idea of offering to help him around the house. That’s something Kenneth would not refuse. And she was not mistaken. He did not refuse it. Except that instead of the expected sympathy, the old lady only got a position as a free housekeeper. She came once a week and cleaned his house. She kept trying to talk to him. “Kenneth, how do you feel about soup? Because I made some…Read Full Story Here…,..