Hairstylist Left Heartbroken Seeing Depressed Girl With Matted Hair. Then Spends 13 Hours Transforming Her (Video)

Your hair can say a lot about you. To teenage girls, hair is very important. Sadly, despite the adage that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover – people do judge you based on your looks. Kayley Olsson works as a hairstylist in Iowa.
She posted some pictures on August 8, of a 16-year-old client of hers that had severely matted hair. The teen had been struggling with depression, and things got so bad, she couldn’t brush her hair.
Kayley said in her post that the girl admitted that the only time she got up was to use the bathroom. When the girl sat in Kayley’s chair, she just wanted the hair to be gone and told Kayley just to cut it all off!

Kayley wasn’t about to do that and instead spent 13 hours over the next two days transforming the teenager!

The girl walked out with an unbelievable hair style just in time for school! Kayley said that this experience was one of the hardest things she had been through, it was heartbreaking to see a young girl in such a state.
Kayley was happy to report that the teenager finally smiled when she saw the final results! The girl finally realized she has worth and her new style gave her confidence!
Depression is not a sign of weakness. It is a serious problem that can easily be overlooked. If you know someone who is struggling or if you are having a hard time yourself – talk to someone, get help. There are people who will listen.