
He Gave Me A Sickness I Will Have To Live With For The Rest Of My Life

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Growing up I have often heard people whisper behind successful single women. “She has money but she has never been married. It’s because men are afraid to approach her.” “She is doing well in life but she can’t keep a man. Her success has caused her to forget her place as a woman.” “At this stage in her life, she doesn’t have a child. She must be so lonely.”

In the past when I hear these things I don’t think much of them. But now when I hear them I become worried that the same will be said of me. I am only twenty-one, and I am not successful yet.

Neither have I gotten to the age where society expects me to settle down and start having kids. However, judging from my current situation, I believe that I will remain single for the rest of my life. This is my story.

I gained admission to a reputable university this year. I was home for three years after I completed My High School so you can imagine my joy when I finally gained admission to school. Before I reported to the school, I had armed myself with knowledge about campus life.

My sisters who were already in the university also gave me advice. “University boys are very manipulative,” they said, “Don’t lose your guard with any of them. If not you will end up doing ….Read Full Story Here…,…

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