This guy was headed towards his favorite pub, although it was pretty clear that he had begun drinking at home. He was swerving all over the place, and then he got to his favorite parking spot. There were loads of other spots available, but he wanted that one only.

The spot was already taken up by a stray dog, lying in the sun trying to warm up. He was just minding his own business, but this guy didn’t care. He honked his horn to get the dog’s attention. The poor, sad pup, probably hungry and tired from living on the streets, got up. He looked so defeated as he walked away, his head hung low and dragging his feet.
For most people, the sight of the sad pup would be enough to cause them to feel empathy or pity, but not this piece of work that was driving the car. He didn’t seem to feel much for anyone but himself. He parked his car and got out. He wasn’t walking straight, but he managed to walk towards the pup. Those watching didn’t know what he was going to…..Read Full Story Here……….