
He saw his mother bury something in the garden; 30 years later, he digs it up and can’t stop crying

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“Orlando was a four-year-old boy who lived in a family as normal as any other. They weren’t rich; on the other hand, his parents owed the banks significant sums of money and had jobs they hated but which were the only thing that kept them afloat and allowed them to give their son a decent life.

Day by day, they went through the same crossroads as everyone else, through the same small anguish and the same great anguish, and so life was passing them by.

In an attempt to survive with no time left for anything but to continue trying to keep themselves without hunger and with a roof over their heads, Orlando, at his young age, knew that his parents were not happy. That together they spent some good times that then vanished in the midst of daily worries.

And in his infinite innocence as a child, when he saw an abandoned puppy near his house, he thought that this was what everyone needed to be happy – a pet. The boy had long dreamed of a puppy, and when he saw one so close and without an owner, he didn’t hesitate to take it home. When his parents came home from work, they were met with a…..Read Full Story Here……….

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