He Spots a Man Crawling on His Hands And Knees And Pulls Right Over, Moments Later The Truth Comes Out (Video)

Once in a while, someone does something really heart-touching that reminds us that there’s still faith in humanity, no matter how beat up this planet may appear at the moment. There’s always a kind soul all out to help those in need. We need more people like David Lee Witherspoon!
David was just driving by when he saw this homeless guy literally crawling with his socks worn in his hands. It was hot summer day. The asphalt was coal-hot. This poor man was clearly suffering. It’s dangerous!
In fact, it’s not even smart to walk your pet in the middle of a hot day. The heat on the pavements burns their paws. It’s too hot, you know. David knew what this stranger was going through, and he didn’t try to think twice about rushing out and lending a hand. He washed his aching feet with his water to make the poor man feel better. Next? You must see this!
Fortunately, someday caught it all on video. Watch and SHARE with friends and family. It’s so heartwarming!