
He was abducted by his grandparents, you won’t believe what he did when he found out the truth!

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“He was abducted by his grandparents at age five. You won’t believe what he did when he found out the truth. A man abducted by his grandparents at the age of five lives next door to them with his new wife and is preparing to be a father himself.

The impression of a close and happy family life was emerging in the case of Richard Landers Jr., now 24, who was kidnapped by his grandparents as a young child.

Police found the grandparents and Landers almost 19 years after he went missing, in an operation praised by his parents Lisa Harder and Richard Landers Senior, who had almost given up hope of seeing him again.

But both Landers and his new wife have praised, rather than criticized, his parents in a Facebook post. Bobby Landers said his grandparents kept her husband safe as a child. His grandparents didn’t follow the law, but they did what was right. Sometimes our U.S laws don’t help or protect the people they should.

He was five, he remembers his birth parents and what they were like. It said he had been living under his grandparents’ care since he was…..Read Full Story Here……..

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